HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Semmes on August 10, 2023, 07:01:14 pm

Title: Much condolences
Post by: Semmes on August 10, 2023, 07:01:14 pm
It’s dangerous going out there. I know with all this heat and the nature of the quarry it is already tough going…

But y’all be careful out there. Saw this in the headlines and just a real tragedy when folks out there just having a good time.

 https://youtu.be/raWhhmVPqUU (https://youtu.be/raWhhmVPqUU)

Title: Re: Much condolences
Post by: WayOutWest on August 10, 2023, 09:48:49 pm
Dang it man, that's terrible!

Title: Re: Much condolences
Post by: t-dog on August 10, 2023, 10:43:10 pm
This didn’t happen but about 45 minutes from me. I hate it that it happened for a bunch of reasons. For sure nothing positive will come of it for anyone. I pray for the families affected that they have faith that they can lean on. I pray for all of us as dog hunters as this will surely make it harder to find or keep hunting places.

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Title: Re: Much condolences
Post by: Slim9797 on August 10, 2023, 10:50:54 pm
Weird story all the way around. Terrible that lives were lost.

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Title: Re: Much condolences
Post by: Austesus on August 14, 2023, 12:04:58 pm
Pretty strange story. Do y’all have a lot of those pits in that area? What was the deal with the gas coming off of it? I wonder if they thought it was just some rank water? Regardless, very sad for those that lost their lives as well as the friends and family that are dealing with it.

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Title: Re: Much condolences
Post by: t-dog on August 14, 2023, 05:34:43 pm
It’s a bad deal for sure. There are lots of old wells that have the round concrete shoring. Most of them are dry and you could only fit two normal size people or one  Sexsquatch in them, 32-36” diameter I would guess. The cistern is usually an above ground water capture/storage, but the one these folks were in was buried. It was out in the middle of a corn crop from I could tell in photos. That being said, I assume the farmers and old land owner new about it or they would likely have run a tractor or some sort of heavy equipment into it. The mouth of it isn’t but about 2’ if that. If I were a betting man I would guess it was put there to be able to irrigate crops out of as it sounds like it was really large. Most likely it hadn’t been used in a long time. I’m sure different species of animals and vegetation along with the stagnation of the water created the gases. They likely smelled it but didn’t realize what they were smelling. Not a lot of thinking went into their actions from the sounds of it. Sounds more like an emotional reaction that led to their choices. One article I read made it sound like they weren’t supposed to be in that place but I’m not completely sure on that. What I am sure of is nobody won on this trip and we haven’t heard the last about it I’m sure.

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Title: Re: Much condolences
Post by: Austesus on August 14, 2023, 11:29:59 pm
I only saw a brief article about it. What I read said that it was 8ft deep, and had some kind of gas emitting out of it that would have made them lose consciousness. The divers even determined it was too dangerous to go in. Along with the gas, there were apparently rotting carcasses from animals in the water as well. It somewhat implied that the bodies were very damaged from whatever gas it was, I guess almost like an acid. I don’t like to armchair quarterback, but I just don’t see how getting into the water would help the dog get out. If you couldn’t reach down and physically pull him up, the only option I could see is getting in the water while someone up top was dangling a leash down to you. That should have been very fast to snatch the dog out and then snatch you out. There’s a lot of questions from this, I doubt we will ever know the full story. It sounded like 2 died and 1 survived. I would be interested to hear his perspective on what happened.

It sounds like it was a dangerous ordeal, and very sad for the dog and two people that died. Maybe if nothing else, something can be learned from this situation that may help another.

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Title: Re: Much condolences
Post by: hillbilly on August 15, 2023, 07:47:24 pm
H2S is no joke. It doesn't take long to kill you

Title: Re: Much condolences
Post by: Reuben on August 15, 2023, 09:14:28 pm
H2S is no joke. It doesn't take long to kill you

X2…also possible low oxygen content due to H2S and other gases outplacing the oxygen in the cistern vapor space…when something like this happens in a chemical company or refinery entering to assist is strictly prohibited without proper PPE and following proper procedure…

Condolences and prayers for the families involved…

That cistern should have been covered in a way that no one could fall in nor intentionally jump in to drink water…during drought conditions animals will jump in to drink water with no way of getting out…

It is possible the dog was hot and thirsty and jumped in to drink and cool off…and this probability led to the incredible chain of events…