Title: Lemonade Post by: Hollowpoint on December 31, 2024, 08:34:52 am A brother from church let me know he’s got a new spot for us to hog hunt, he gets the tour and the rules from the owner. Rule number one, no dogs.
So we take our lemons and head out last night, it’s a farm on the banks of the Wanumber 2a River. We ride around stopping to scan with the thermal from time to time, after not seeing anything we head to a barn to set up to do some calling, thinking maybe get some coyotes. No sooner we get all set, I spy a group of hogs feeding along the edge of the pasture. Ewe make out way close enough to where I feel I can make a good shot, the first shot hit with a thump and she drops in her tracks screaming, the rest scatter. In the ensuing chaos we manage another one right through the lungs. Anyhow, that’s how we made lemonade out of lemons last night. Catching them with dogs is always my favorite way to hunt hogs, and it was really a blessing to be allowed to hunt on such a nice piece of property. Hope you all have a great New Year. (https://i.postimg.cc/NjxBXSCq/IMG-6272.jpg) (https://postimages.org/) (https://i.postimg.cc/k5X9vsLV/IMG-6275.jpg) (https://postimages.org/) Title: Re: Lemonade Post by: Hollowpoint on December 31, 2024, 08:36:07 am Meant to write Wanumber 2a River rolleyes
Title: Re: Lemonade Post by: Hollowpoint on December 31, 2024, 08:36:57 am Wanumber 2a River
Wash it a River |