HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on February 10, 2025, 01:12:26 pm

Title: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on February 10, 2025, 01:12:26 pm
Tapatalk wont let me post pics from this past weekends hunt so it takes the fun out of what this hunt really was..  We were invited to Join Cajun, his crew and some Veterans on this trip across some of the toughest country a feller could bay a hog in..   If anyone thinks that hunting out of a boat down there is nuthin to it,, well it will probably prove you wrong like it did me.  That ground down there aint ground ,,,its floating mud that makes a feller sink to his knees every other step ..  How them dogs of Cajuns run for hours in that is really a testament of what is bred in those dogs.
It was truly a honor to meet and hunt with guys that deserved more than I could give em to pay em back for the dedication that they have shown to our country.  Freedom aint Free
I wish that I could share the pics that we were able to take of them taking their first hogs by way of dogs,, some said they had never experienced such a rush.  One feller had it easy and we was able to drive the boat rite to the hog and dog   LOL.. put the live hog rite up in the boat with him .. 
We had took one guy out with us on a bay and had to cross a ditch that was naturally between us and the hog,, that poor feller tried to jump it and it sunk up to his waist like quick sand,, LOL..  Me and my son had to use our dog leads to pull him out...
Me and my son are honored to be able to hunt with Cajun and his crew,,,, they are dog men the way its suppose to be.  We were also honored to be a part of that weekend hunt with these veterans,,, and hope to set up more of them in the future. 

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Slim9797 on February 10, 2025, 01:49:02 pm
Sounds like fun and some really good dog work. I’ve always thought hunting around all that water off a boat would be neat, and I’m sure it is. But I bet it can be flat miserable too. Sounds like yall managed to find the fun in it.

Idk what is up with Tapatalk. My phone won’t even show the board at all on the app. Really sucks.

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Cajun on February 10, 2025, 06:15:34 pm
  Toby, It was out pleasue having you and Wes. Y'all went above and beyond helping out.  That Wounded Warrior project is such a worthwhile cause to try to give back to so many that have given their all. That mudboat y'all brought was a life saver since we had a couple of boats that had motor problems.
  That marsh is hog heaven and one of the easiest places to get dogs on hogs. However it is not always easy to get to the dogs that are bayed. Those guys really enjoyed there Selves and were talking about coming back next year.
  I think we caught 5 each day. Hog numbers seem to be down from last year.
  Those dogs are getting a much needed rest after hunting 8 out of the last 9 days. They will be ready to roll in a couple of days. I guess I will have to go back to the old way of posting pics. by downloading them to a host site and then downloading them here.

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: t-dog on February 10, 2025, 08:57:35 pm
I have no doubt y’all left an impression on those vets. I’m sure it feels great to a smile on a hero’s face.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Judge peel on February 11, 2025, 04:43:15 am
Sounds pretty awesome to me

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: NLAhunter on February 11, 2025, 05:18:18 am
Sounds like a real good time

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Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: The Old Man on February 11, 2025, 09:27:21 am
    I appreciate what you guys do for the veterans, congrats on a good hunt for a good cause. I can absolutely testify to the fact that even though sitting in the boat and looking at the terrain it looks like a cake walk, the marsh can be extremely difficult. When you step through the upper crust it literally grabs hold of you and sometimes you might not be able to get out alone. You do get better at where to and not to step. It was a totally different terrain than I'd ever hunted in, I'm more of a hills and hollers guy haha. I wouldn't be able to ride my mule there, she'd wind up gator bait.  Glad it went well for everyone.   

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Hollowpoint on February 11, 2025, 11:16:50 am
I always enjoy hearing about folks supporting Wounded Warriors like you did Cajun and Highwater, I’m not sure how well I’d do in that environment, sounds challenging enough tho

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on February 11, 2025, 12:49:30 pm
    I appreciate what you guys do for the veterans, congrats on a good hunt for a good cause. I can absolutely testify to the fact that even though sitting in the boat and looking at the terrain it looks like a cake walk, the marsh can be extremely difficult. When you step through the upper crust it literally grabs hold of you and sometimes you might not be able to get out alone. You do get better at where to and not to step. It was a totally different terrain than I'd ever hunted in, I'm more of a hills and hollers guy haha. I wouldn't be able to ride my mule there, she'd wind up gator bait.  Glad it went well for everyone.   

Yessir,,,  That area aint nuthin like a pine thicket we use too..LOL...   I wish I could show the pics of me and my son waist deep in the ditches ,, you step in the wrong spot and you cant find bottom.... My son had to literally lay on his belly and me drag him out with dog leads ....   I can tell you after hunting down there for two days straight  ,,,  me and the dogs didnt have no problem sleeping at night...hehehe

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Cajun on February 11, 2025, 02:58:34 pm
Toby, I hope you and Wesley dont come down with the Nutria Itch. That is some bad stuff.

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: The Old Man on February 11, 2025, 03:38:15 pm
   Cajun there isn't really a cure for Nutria Itch is there? You just have to suffer it out don't you?

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Cajun on February 11, 2025, 03:58:45 pm
Pretty much. Remember when Joe Walker thought he had it. lol  2 weeks of scratching your skin raw, bleach baths, antibiotics. It just want wash off. lol

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Cajun on February 11, 2025, 04:18:48 pm
(https://i.postimg.cc/239sxQGy/IMG-7536.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/239sxQGy)

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Cajun on February 11, 2025, 04:23:10 pm
<a href='https://postimg.cc/K4jV4Kb2' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.postimg.cc/K4jV4Kb2/IMG-7531.jpg' border='0' alt='IMG-7531'/>[/url]

<a href='https://postimg.cc/Xrdt3TbB' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.postimg.cc/Xrdt3TbB/IMG-4298.avif' border='0' alt='IMG-4298'/>[/url]

<a href='https://postimg.cc/1nJL2wZW' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.postimg.cc/1nJL2wZW/IMG-7497-2.jpg' border='0' alt='IMG-7497-2'/>[/url]

Took me awhile to figure it out

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: cajunl on February 11, 2025, 04:28:08 pm
Third pic is pretty hard to beat!

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Cajun on February 11, 2025, 04:49:56 pm
(https://i.postimg.cc/66fNjR1y/IMG-7531.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/x82nk3pS/IMG-7497-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/W1HVmvY8/IMG-4298.avif) (https://postimages.org/)

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Cajun on February 11, 2025, 04:51:36 pm
It looked like the Spanish Armando behind me when the dogs pulled out.

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: The Old Man on February 11, 2025, 06:03:52 pm
 Dang, 6 boats, you guys were loaded up. Dang, that's lots of hog draggers.

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Hollowpoint on February 11, 2025, 09:11:52 pm
The pics are awesome, the Cajun Navy, instead of a twin 50cal on the bow of the boat, there’s three plotts blowing up. I love it

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: t-dog on February 11, 2025, 09:15:59 pm
Awesome pics! Sure looks different from anything I ever hunted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: Cajun on February 12, 2025, 06:06:41 am
  The Marsh has a mystique all of it's own. I love it to the fishing and hunting. As a teenager we duckhunted it, walking the marsh and jumping up ducks, paddling pirogues down the bayou. I reunited with some of my old duckhunting buddies after 20 or so years and the first thing they asked me was, can you still walk the marsh. That was about 15 years or so ago and I could then. The last couple of years I would have to say no. lol Some places it is a lot easier to get to the dogs then others and a mud boat is a must. Highwater and his son got in to two separate bays where it was  really tough going and caught the hogs.
  On another note there is so much life out there and you would think nothing but a duck could live out there but there are deer, coons, hogs, coyotes, otters, nutrias and a ton more. It also dispels the myth that deer and hogs have to have a mast crop to survive, The only trees you might see out there is the occasional Cypress.

Title: Re: Veteran Hunt w/Cajun and more
Post by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on February 12, 2025, 06:59:00 am
Toby, I hope you and Wesley dont come down with the Nutria Itch. That is some bad stuff.

Well it aint hit us yet so we might dodge it,,,   I told my wife about what you said,, LOL... We aint never heard of nuthin like that and dont want no part of it..