Title: DOG GOT POKED UNDER JAW Post by: MAV on November 09, 2009, 02:21:53 pm i have a dog that got poked under the jaw and she has a pretty good size sack under her jaw that i cant get to go down
i have given her antiobioics but it will not go down,its a soft mass. its been about five weeks. any ideas before i take her to the vet. Title: Re: DOG GOT POKED UNDER JAW Post by: a-khunter on November 09, 2009, 03:42:57 pm had a similar situation. mine got poked real good in the cheek. it made a fluid pocket. since the wound was still open a little bit i would squeeze it and drain the fluid. after a week of doing that it healed up no problem.
could also lanced it a little to allow for drainage. Title: Re: DOG GOT POKED UNDER JAW Post by: lonewolf on November 10, 2009, 08:25:11 am I had this a couple times! One got better on its own with time, The other I used a 16 gauge needle to help start it draining and just gently squeezed it. Probly not the best way but it worked for me!
Title: Re: DOG GOT POKED UNDER JAW Post by: cowcountryhogdogger on November 10, 2009, 09:37:27 pm I've got that problem right now on one of my pups. Like lonewolf said, take a bigger gauge needle and poke a hole as low in the fluid pocket as possible so the fluid will naturally drain out of it due to gravity. If you can't get anything out of it right away don't worry about it. As pressure builds up in the pocket that hole will be there already to help drain the fluid. Hope that helps.
Title: Re: DOG GOT POKED UNDER JAW Post by: MAV on November 12, 2009, 08:44:22 am thanks for the help i took the 16 gauge needle and stuck it in the sack and ended up drawing about 90 cc of watery like fluid out of it. dont know why this happened but it wasnt going anywhere. then i injected some pennicilin in the same sack. hope it works she looks alot better anyways