GENERAL CATEGORY => HUNTING AND FISHING => Topic started by: stxhunter on November 10, 2009, 08:59:40 pm

Title: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: stxhunter on November 10, 2009, 08:59:40 pm
Anyone on here hunt bobcats with dogs in the South Texas area? Iv been seeing signs of bobcats and like to try and dog them. I'm in the Victoria area, SE of San Antonio.

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: cutter26 on November 10, 2009, 09:06:28 pm
ive hunted them with dogs be for its alot of fun but they can hurt a dog bad really quick

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: LionandBoarHunter on November 11, 2009, 09:33:07 am
i hunt all over south texas i have bobcat and lion dogs how much country do you have to hunt

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: stxhunter on November 12, 2009, 08:28:47 pm
About 650 acres. 

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: walkerchaser85 on December 11, 2009, 06:56:46 pm
I hunt in goliad alot, I have a walker that will run a cat, and a young walker that will join in on the race so give me a ring 830-377-0579 Jason(http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy142/walkerchaser85/hogpics028.jpg)

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: coach on December 11, 2009, 10:38:16 pm

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: walkerchaser85 on December 30, 2009, 03:40:55 pm
Im going to set out on a Cat hunting week, due to all the rain I have been seeing bobcat tracks everywhere, Ill keep you guys poasted Ill be hitting the woods hard this week!

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: walkerchaser85 on January 04, 2010, 10:14:16 am
I ran a couple days this week and ended up on a couple good races, ended up with a coon, and after cutting several good cat tracks hopes are higher then ever, going to hit the woods today and see what my hounds and I can get stopped!

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: walkerchaser85 on January 04, 2010, 10:36:15 pm
Went out tonight and killed another coon and got on a hog race, both dogs took diferent trails that left us wondering what dog to follow. After about two hours we herd Hunter baying at the edge of hearing distance my brother and i ended up having to wade across a creek and get him back. No catch dogs so we called him off and we will have to run them again another night. :(

Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: aladatrot on January 05, 2010, 01:08:59 pm
That's pretty neat just going out hunting with your dogs. My grandfather had "hunting dogs" back in the 50's. He ran Catahoulas back then. The reason I know he had Catahoulas is because my properly British Nana could not have come up with that word on her own.

Anyway, you could still run deer in Texas back then and there weren't very many hogs. His dogs would run whatever they tracked - cats, coons, deer, nutria, and assorted furries. I wish I had sense enough to want to run dogs while he was alive. I don't remember any Catahoulas, but I do remember his YBMC "Granger". By the time I had any recollection of Granger he wasn't part of a pack, just a single hunting dog.

The closest thing I have to a hunting dog that isn't just a hog dog is my greyhound. I use her on jackrabbits, and she will catch a coon if he can't tree before she sees him. Do your hounds trail everything open, or do they only bay once they are treed?


Title: Re: bobcat hunting with dog
Post by: walkerchaser85 on January 05, 2010, 03:34:37 pm
Alot of times I cant tell if they are treed or if they have somthing bayed on the ground, my younger dog is grittyer so we are starting to stop more hogs for longer, they really dont open unlesss the animal is close, or unless the wind is right in their face and they catch a wiff of something and they will flat out loose it! The way I have been hunting makes it hard for my buddys to bring their straight hog dogs, in their minds its my dogs fault their dogs run coons or etc. the only thing my dogs are broke of is deer and cattle other then that I want some action when I hunt. Another down side is my dogs range, I need a big property to hunt. I have a dog i picked up from the pound as a pup five years ago and she was my first hunting dog, she would run anything but deer and cattle and hated skunks and racoons like their was no tomorrow, she was silent and didnt range out unless it was a hot trail her speed was almost uncany the way she would break out in front of the pack, she is the reson I hunt dogs today, I had been on lion hunts, hog hunts ,bird hunts all with dogs but something about watching your own dog do what they love makes a man or women happier then anything else ever could.