GENERAL CATEGORY => HUNTING AND FISHING => Topic started by: Circle C on November 17, 2009, 12:14:58 pm

Title: Spike/ cull hunt wanted
Post by: Circle C on November 17, 2009, 12:14:58 pm
Here is the deal,
   I am looking for a place that I can take my two daughters to get their first buck.  The girls are ages 9 and 11, and both are proficient shooters. Both have already shot a doe, and would like to now shoot a buck.  Problem is, that the place we are hunting has antler restrictions (Fayette county) and this property has not had any spikes seen in years.  I would like to get them on a spike/ small buck for their first buck, rather than put them on the larger deer that have been seen on this place this year.

If you operate a ranch that can handle this request please let me know. We don't need lodging, or anything fancy, just a good opportunity at seeing a shooter or two.


Here's a couple pics of the girls and their first deer.


Title: Re: Spike/ cull hunt wanted
Post by: LionandBoarHunter on November 17, 2009, 01:12:02 pm
give me a holler i have a high fence place that we are taking all the native bucks off most of them are 8 6  and spikes be glad to see your kids take some