Title: Cuttin back to just BMC's Post by: hogs_dogs on November 18, 2009, 12:01:16 pm We have 8 month female cat/pitt cross. she is baying in a pen by herself, she is a lil catchy on a smaller hog, but will stand back and bay. She is dark blue with black spots. Will make good dog just needs to be finished $150. Next we have a two year old Black and Tan cat, she will go with other dogs in the woods, but we just dont need her.We have only had her a few months and now it's deer season so we havent took her but a few times and she shows interested in it and will stay with the other dogs $100.Then we have a four year red nose female pit, she will catch, she makes a great mother dog, we had two litters out of her and she raised all but 3 out of the two litters we have had out of her. She is red and white red nose, she ia half mask dog, one side red and other is white. She has croped ears. She has no papers. Very good with other dogs, never have had one moments problem out of her. The only problem with her is, if she run lose in the yard, and you don't keep your house door shut she will come in and lay on your couch. Also house broken. $150. We are located in Tenaha Tx, which is in the East Texas area, we are about 15miles from Lousiana Line. Just need to get rid of these dogs fast. I can email you pictures or can send the by phone. So please leave your email or cell phone number!
Title: Re: Cuttin back to just BMC's Post by: hogs_dogs on November 18, 2009, 12:39:37 pm We will take the best offers on the theses dogs!
Title: Re: Cuttin back to just BMC's Post by: country man 563 on November 18, 2009, 07:55:40 pm can you send me pics of the pit 936-334-4107,redneck341@hotmail.com
Title: Re: Cuttin back to just BMC's Post by: hogs_dogs on November 19, 2009, 06:26:49 pm 14 week old Female pit, out of the last litter of the female we currently have for sale. She is white with a grey brindle patch on right eye and ear.He parents are both catch dogs. Will take $75 can text pictures or email them. Remember best offer on these's dogs!