HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: BrownThumb on April 27, 2008, 12:25:05 pm

Title: HELP! Zucchini in sad shape.
Post by: BrownThumb on April 27, 2008, 12:25:05 pm
Y'all are not going to believe this, but this zucchini was a transplant purchased in early march.  I discovered that my pup was eating the leaves so I moved it out of reach.  That seemed to help because a few weeks later it was COVERED in blooms.  The first round of blooms fell off, and now this is what I have.  The poor things' condition is becoming more and more critical.  My best bet is that bugs are attacking it.  I am using 7 dust, but I don't think it's helping.  Any advice?

I hope these pictures work...

This is a close up of the foliage..pretty bad huh?

There's the little baby zucchini, but I am worried about their progress.

You are looking at a 12" pot to give you an idea of scale.

Title: Re: HELP! Zucchini in sad shape.
Post by: Sean on April 27, 2008, 03:15:44 pm
that doesn't look like a bug problem to me. for the bugs to really be hurting it, the leaves would be covered in holes and chewed inward some on the outsides of the leaves. i know because i had some bad bug problems with my zucchini and squash two years ago. at just a glance and going by the colors i would say it is undernurished for something. whether it's not getting enough food or water or sunlight i don't know. i do know zuchinni's use a lot of water once they start to produce. i don't think it looks like a bug problem though.

Title: Re: HELP! Zucchini in sad shape.
Post by: aladatrot on April 28, 2008, 10:28:43 am
Leevon would say to fertilize with 12 24 12. I'm with Sean in thinking it's lacking something. Maybe water and fertilizer? Those flowers you are getting now should be female flowers which bear the fruits. Don't give up yet, I think the thing is worth working on. I would cut off the dead leaves and leave the healthier looking ones. That way the plant isn't forcing good energy into lost cause leaves.


Title: Re: HELP! Zucchini in sad shape.
Post by: HIPOCKETS on April 28, 2008, 04:51:14 pm

Title: Re: HELP! Zucchini in sad shape.
Post by: BrownThumb on May 07, 2008, 04:24:18 pm
Thanks for all the great advice!  I tried watering more frequently and fertilizing first, and things seem to be improving.  I didn't see Levon's post until after I had fertilized twice (woops), but I am going to hold off on fertilizing again.  It looks like I have 2 tiny baby zucchinis but all the other baby flowers look just like the first round (no zucchini).  Is it possible that it is starting over? 

I agree it will probably get root bound in the pot, but I thought I would try it anyway.  The little bit of yard that I do have is REALLY shady, so I can't have a proper garden.  :( 

Check it out!


PS...the grassy area in the picture would be PERFECT for a garden, but it doesn't belong to us.  Hehehe

Title: Re: HELP! Zucchini in sad shape.
Post by: Sean on May 07, 2008, 04:55:54 pm
looks like a good healthy plant now! you even have a zuchini coming up ;D