HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: aladatrot on April 28, 2008, 03:25:16 pm

Title: Laying Hens
Post by: aladatrot on April 28, 2008, 03:25:16 pm
We are building a chicken coop tonight because we need laying hens. Ugly Dog has a chicken coop with some hens, and her hog dogs are really good. We are hoping that by having laying hens, our dogs will improve.

LeeVon had a garden, and when we put in a garden, our hog dogs got a little better at catching hogs. You see the correlation?


Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: HIPOCKETS on April 28, 2008, 04:45:33 pm
i've got 22 production reds,, hens and 2 roosters to tell=um what and when to do....lol

gatta have dem roosters i've got fertal eggs and a incubater in you want to hatch your own...

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: Circle C on April 29, 2008, 09:48:19 am
Mandi wanted a chicken coop, so I built her one last night.  Here are the pictures of it.  This is a temporary coop, to see if the chickens are worth messing with. If she decides she wants to continue messing with them, we will build her a "nice" coop.
When I get off work this evening, I will shred a pasture, then build her roost, and boxes.Then the temporary coop will be complete, I think!  Did I mention that she will not be here to help, she is gone hunting... Just doesn't seem right ;)

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: Sean on April 29, 2008, 10:51:47 am
ha, that's pretty cool. love the sign! :D

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: matt_aggie04 on April 29, 2008, 04:13:56 pm
How did you make the sign?


Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: Circle C on April 29, 2008, 04:19:11 pm
magic ;D

Actually it is a trade secret. I might can be persuaded to divulge the secret for the chance to hunt the new place ;)

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: Circle C on April 29, 2008, 04:23:05 pm
Last time we hunted with JML, his wife was having a yard sale. Mandi just had to buy this item from them.

That is what she used last night to make the sign.

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: jml on April 29, 2008, 06:33:19 pm
Looks good, like the sign. Hukt on fonix wrkt for me too. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: matt_aggie04 on April 29, 2008, 08:11:26 pm
Ah hah!  Very nice work, and for the link I guess I will allow you to hunt that place at least once.....ok twice.  ;D


Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: gonehuntin2 on April 30, 2008, 03:55:59 pm
When I had chickens the rooster would get out of the coop and walk the yard and he thought he was really something. He never got around the hunting dogs but my jack russell would give him heck... It's worth the trouble if you like fresh yard eggs.  :)

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: mley1 on April 30, 2008, 10:08:11 pm
Looks like ya'll got it going on with your chickin coop. Cool deal man!! I love the sign. ;D I don't know how true it is. But, I been told RIR's are pretty good egg layers. I hope to find out soon too. ;D

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: aladatrot on May 07, 2008, 10:43:08 am

The flock I bought has been together for a while now (it was Laura's <JML's Wife>). Anyway, I want to add two or three more layers so that each of my dogs get an egg per day. Is there a good way to introduce new birds into an established flock without too much henpecking?


ps We ate some of the green beans the other night. They were so good! I can't wait for the eggplant to make! Thanks for your gardening advice and inspiration!

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: BrownThumb on May 07, 2008, 03:12:20 pm
Eggs are great for the pups, but I don't know if the air in the barn will be breathable if they have eggs every day.    :D  I fed my pups some egg whites that I wasn't using in a recipe, and they had to spend the entire next day outside.  LOL  I do about 1 every couple of weeks now. 

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: aladatrot on May 07, 2008, 03:46:30 pm
eww.... I didn't think about dogfarts!

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: BrownThumb on May 15, 2008, 07:23:58 am
Who knew eggs fresh eggs would be so much better than the eggs from the store?  My breakfast this morning was sponsored by the new coop.  It was so delicious, I had to catch it on film.

This is the little bugger right after it was cooked...the shell didn't even stick to it!  I knew as soon as I peeled it that this was no ordinary egg.  That's when I grabbed the camera to document the event.  Looking back, I should have snapped a picture of the flawless exterior, but I woke up hungry...Not much gets between me a breakfast.  :)

Ahhh, the sandwich.  Very simply seasoned with salt, pepper, mayo, and pulverized by fork.

Yum...I never would have believed it, but this was the best tasting egg I have ever had.   The texture was superb, the flavor....I don't know where to begin with the flavor.  It tasted like an egg obviously, but it was better.  Cleaner tasting maybe?  I don't know...but YUM!

 ;D Good job Mandi and your chickens!  I wonder if they lay such wonderful eggs because they like their house?  Hmmmm...

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: aladatrot on May 15, 2008, 03:46:21 pm
I'm so glad you liked the chicken egg! My dogs love them too :O)   I bought 5 more pullets yesterday but I don't know when they will start laying eggs. They are grown chickens, just haven't started laying yet.


Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: Clay on May 16, 2008, 12:08:38 pm
when yall get to many eggs to eat i like them   :o  ;D

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: mley1 on May 16, 2008, 11:22:38 pm
when yall get to many eggs to eat i like them   :o  ;D

Clay, I might be needing a hand one week this summer feeding and watering my critters. It might involve some extra eggs and some cash if your interested. Mine ain't started laying yet. But, they might by the time I need some help with them. We're planning on taking a week and going somewhere this summer.

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: Clay on May 17, 2008, 06:32:55 pm
just let me know ill just need to make sure im in town.

Title: Re: Laying Hens
Post by: mley1 on May 17, 2008, 08:26:21 pm
Cool, Thanks Clay. ;D