HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: John on November 25, 2009, 10:52:38 pm

Title: seizures
Post by: John on November 25, 2009, 10:52:38 pm
went out on a long hunt. the dogs  ran a long way. my dog got his ear cut and lost some blood along the way. he seemed to be fine but when we were loading him up he started having either a seizure or muscle cramps. his legs were jerking around and both his eyes were fluttering. he seems to be find now but just looking for some answers as to what happened. any ideas?

Title: Re: seizures
Post by: uglydog on November 26, 2009, 07:19:09 am
John, there are different things that can cause seizures.

I am only going to touch on one- Whipworms - My vet told me this, I hada hard time believing it, but followed his instructions and wormed the dogs wih Panacur for five days in a row at his directions and we have never had another seizure in a dog again. Now I am a believer, even though I worm my dogs religiously every month they can still develop infestations of worms. Sometimes powerdosing wormer in neccesary to take care of the dogs.

Title: Re: seizures
Post by: John on November 26, 2009, 11:17:51 am
thanks for the advice. i will call my vet and see what she has to say. i'm hoping he just had some muscle cramps from being ran so much. he is the brother to mike's pup's hunter and striker. i think he is going to be a really good one. so far he is doing great. thanks again john