HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: southtexasff on November 26, 2009, 05:43:41 pm

Title: Dyne
Post by: southtexasff on November 26, 2009, 05:43:41 pm
Anyone ever use Dyne. I had a dog get out of my yard.  I talked to the pound and left my number.  They called me a week later and told me they found him.  The lady whose yard he was in had him for 5 days and never fed him so he would leave.  A friend told me to give him Dyne and it would help him gain his weight back.

Title: Re: Dyne
Post by: PEEWEE on November 29, 2009, 10:20:04 am
dyne is good stuff i use it on pups nursing gyp sick dogs puts weight on fast  i use an old dawn soap bottle i clean good  and when in feed squirt some on there food   for your dog i would feed double and use the dyne you should see results in about a weak  sorry to hear about your dog glad you got him back though  good luck

Title: Re: Dyne
Post by: Purebreedcolt on November 29, 2009, 10:24:18 am
what is dyne and where you get it?  nvm i found it

Title: Re: Dyne
Post by: uglydog on November 29, 2009, 10:15:26 pm
Dyne® High calorie liquid diet and dietary supplement.
150 calories per ounce in a palatable, easy-to-administer formula.
Can be fed orally with a syringe or dropper or added to drinking water.
Aids in nutrition for pregnant and lactating bitches.
Provides high quality calorie intake for animals recovering from debilitating illnesses.
Extra nutrition for runt puppies.
Increases stamina for peak performance.

Each ounce of Dyne high calorie liquid diet provides approximately 150 calories containing vitamins and minerals that maintain constant therapeutic blood levels. Dyne is formulated to contain a maximum of nutritive value in a minimum of liquid volume.

Dyne may be fed as is to animals that are unable to eat or top dressed over the animal's normal diet. When diluted with water it can be used to combat dehydration. Dyne is especially useful in providing energy in working and sporting dogs.

As a supplement to other food, Dyne supplies added calories to aid in weight gain or to resist stress conditions. The palatable, highly concentrated source of food energy in Dyne has been proven to be of value in many different stress related conditions including:

Underweight animals: Conditions resulting from malnutrition, debilitating disease, parasite infestation, etc. Feed the recommended amount of Dyne daily in addition to the animal's normal diet.

Pregnant animals: Supplementation with Dyne is recommended during the last ½ of the gestation period to provide additional high quality calories to the female. Feed the recommended amount of Dyne daily in addition to the animal's normal diet.

Lactating animals: Caloric requirements of a lactating female can be three times as great as under normal conditions . Feed the recommended amount of Dyne daily in addition to regular diet.

Dehydrated animals: When mixed with water, Dyne may be used to combat the effects of dehydration due to prolonged fever, diarrhea or certain kidney conditions Dilute the recommended dosage of Dyne with 10 parts of drinking water. In most cases, the animal will drink more of this formulation than water alone. Diluted Dyne may also be administered orally.

Geriatric Animals: A common condition, usually observed in older animals, is permanently reduced kidney function. Most of these animals can be satisfactorily maintained by reducing the animal's intake of commercial pet food by one half and replacing it with the recommended dosage of Dyne.

PUPPIES: 1 teaspoonful per 5 lbs. body weight daily.
ADULT DOGS: 2 tablespoons ( 1 oz.) per 20-30 lbs. body weight three (3) times per day.
Buy Dyne - Liquid Supplement

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List: $8.50
Order Yours: $7.99
copy and pasted from Gun Dog Supply