Title: Kemmer Cur Post by: Etxcntryboy on November 30, 2009, 10:17:34 pm Anybody have any experience with these dogs? I just got a year old un-started dog given to me. They were trying to make a squirrel dog out of him, but didnt work out? Are they like mountain curs? If so does anybody hun mountain curs? Just wondering. Figured I'd give him a shot, hell, he was free. Let me know what ya'll think.
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: UNDERDOG on November 30, 2009, 10:26:44 pm I hunt some of them...they are a strain of mt cur,usually have a dang good nose I like them for coon/squirrel dogs but the two young dogs I am using on hog are 1/2 kemmer n 1/2 BMC they are doing pretty good. I dropped a young kemmer male (about 1 1/2 y/o) Sat for his first hog hunt and he hung in about a 3 hr race w/ Mikes and my dogs. They generally won't have as much grit as other cur dogs but will generally have more nose and some will be open on track. How is the dog bred and were did it come from?
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: Etxcntryboy on November 30, 2009, 10:31:11 pm I couldn't tell ya how he is bred, I think he came from west Louisiana. He is a real light tella almost white color. Pretty head and real deep chested. Looks good anyway
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: scdogman on December 01, 2009, 05:30:49 pm Thery are strain of mountain cur bred by "Robert Kemmer." Different lines of kemmers are known for different traits. The yellow Jack line is suppose to be full of grit. Too much yellow jack in a dog is almost straight catch. There are many lines/.
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: BugBuster on December 01, 2009, 09:03:24 pm I have two kemmer currs now that will get out and hunt, only one has found his own hog so far. Both seem to be pretty tough dogs and gritty, so far.
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: jeffeasttx on December 01, 2009, 09:22:25 pm MARSHALL a guy on this website has a kemmer cur, personally i have never hunted with him, but he loves the dog to death, says he is as good of a bay dog as u can get. maybe he can help u out, he is a very friendly guy, im sure he will tell u everything he knows about them
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: UNDERDOG on December 01, 2009, 11:13:26 pm Marshall has two now ;)
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: miahogger on December 02, 2009, 06:04:16 am new here but i have 2 kemmer dog both have alot of grit best dog in ms lol
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: Marshall on December 02, 2009, 12:11:06 pm Ha yeah I have 2 now. They both do a great job. ;D Everybody needs at least one.
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: chainrated on December 02, 2009, 12:36:48 pm Picked up one from a coon hunter for a buddy of mine. She wasn't working out on coon but she ended up being a good hogdog..
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: pig snatcher on December 02, 2009, 04:48:35 pm I have messed with some Kemmers, Mtn. currs too. They are like any other dog, some are good and some are junk. Most of the ones I have been around have been fairly gritty w/ a decent nose.
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: scdogman on December 02, 2009, 04:52:56 pm Contact westexascur on here. He runs most all kemmer or mt curs. He would be the kemmer expert on this site.
Kelvin Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: WestTexasCurs on December 02, 2009, 10:34:14 pm Just another dog breed.Some good,some not so much.Many different types of Kemmers,some very cold nosed,bawl mouth,slow trail dogs.Some hot nosed,catchdogs.Also seen them from 25 to 70 pounds.They are used on lots of game,from tree rats,to bear.Alot of breeders, are just that breeders.Dont hunt a lick and just go by the paperwork.Not my cup of tea,and I dont even register my dogs.Lots of politics in the Kemmer dogs,but also some good fellers.
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: Etxcntryboy on December 02, 2009, 11:04:47 pm thanks everybody. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Title: Re: Kemmer Cur Post by: scout1 on December 03, 2009, 08:28:33 pm I run a Kemmer (Goose) he's on a few posts on here - even though still a pup - he is doing great hangin with the strike dogs, and is gettin a gritty on big hogs in the woods. I wouldnt get rid of him for anything. There's an old timer here in southeast NM, named Davis Heis, been runnin Kemmers for 20 years - has some of the best dogs around here, he knows Kemmers.
If you want I can PM you his number. Also my best strike dog is Mt. Cur (bubba) Can wind a hog, rides the hood, the day he dies will probably be the day I hang up hog hunting... Bubba is the (brindle) Mt. Cur on the box, Goose (Kemmer) is the yella dog on the ground (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn64/samsrider/2ndpig019.jpg) |