Title: 1978 Bronco Hunting Rig Post by: Circle C on May 02, 2008, 04:48:07 pm 1978 Ford Bronco Hunting Rig.
900 miles on rebuilt 400 small block New brakes, clutch, and U Joints Flat Green Paint since picture was taken Good Tires No Oil leaks on anything Runs Great Dog boxes in rear below seat, can hold 8 dogs. Posting for a friend, call him for more information 512-718-2737 $1400 or trade for guns, horses, trailers, etc.... Located near Bastrop, Tx (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/mailgooglecom.jpg) Title: Re: 1978 Bronco Hunting Rig Post by: brndnnoland on June 20, 2008, 10:41:34 pm email me some more pictures and close ups of the dog bogs and motor please