Title: Victor Dog Food Post by: nthogger on December 02, 2009, 08:19:29 am Does anyone feed this I am switching from diamond to something looking at sportmix 24 20 black bag at 25 a bag and this victor looks good at 19 a bag but 30 mile drive to get it maybe its worth it http://www.victordogfood.com/index.htm link to there site.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Circle C on December 02, 2009, 08:25:23 am Sportmix 24/20 50# bag @ $25.00 per 50#
Victor 40# @ $19.00 = $23.75 per 50# I am told the Victor is supposed to be some good stuff. Mike is trying some on a couple dogs, to see how they fare on it. Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: nthogger on December 02, 2009, 08:28:34 am Yea i heard from a couple kennell owners that feed victor all good but id like to hear from a few hunters who work dogs hard.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Mike on December 02, 2009, 08:30:29 am I picked up a couple a bags of the Victor 24/20 yesterday from Alan(Hogzgonewild). He's been feeding it the last month with great results. I've been feeding Sportsmix 24/20 the last few years and ingredient wise, the Victor looks better... it also calls for less feed by weight.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: nthogger on December 02, 2009, 08:38:16 am Yea let me know I did talk to the sales rep in the mill they just dont sale it very many places and to be a dealer there is a 2 ton min
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on December 02, 2009, 08:46:00 am I use it and am pleased with it..
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: matthewrbarnard on December 02, 2009, 01:11:37 pm I use Victor and am pleased with it as well.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: HogzgoneWild on December 02, 2009, 07:41:30 pm Been using it for awhile now and its good stuff, dogs love it and perform great, stools are easy to clean, and the dogs even look better too....... and I am a dealer......!
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: PEEWEE on December 02, 2009, 09:34:06 pm i was feeding victor but went back to sport mix not because victor was bad my dogs did great on it but the feed store i got it from didnt keep it in stock and had to order it for me got to be a hassle and the closest places for me to get it were about an hr away but its 17 bucks at the lyssy&eckles in poth and the same in wiemer thats for the 26 18 40lbs bag if i coulg find some place closer that stocked it i would switch back to victor itsw a real good food
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: lonewolf on December 02, 2009, 10:21:24 pm I've got ten bags coming this week! I'm going to give it a try.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: nthogger on December 02, 2009, 11:45:04 pm Lonewolf where do they sale it near you closest to me is whitesboro on 377?
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: lonewolf on December 03, 2009, 08:28:51 am There is a distribitor in Pauls Valley Ok. If it works out it will be sold at Johnston couty feed in Tishomingo. The Pauls Valley deal is the only one in Oklahoma and I don't know if you can go there to pich it up without being a dealer. My partner owns the feed store in Tishomingo, so just had him call about becoming a dealer.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: HogzgoneWild on December 03, 2009, 09:20:59 am Hey guys for yall that don't have a distributor for Victor close to you, talk to your local feed stores and get me the contact person and # and we will see if we can get them set up. Just pm me... I'd like for everyone to be able to at least try it.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: nthogger on December 03, 2009, 06:29:21 pm next week im gona get some from whitesboro and try it I will try to talk to feed stores and let you know.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: NT-HOGGIN on December 04, 2009, 06:27:12 am Hey nthogger. where at in whitesboro are you getting the Victor dog food. I am about 8 miles west of Whitesboro, and would be interested in trying it.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: djhogdogger on December 04, 2009, 07:45:52 am I tried a 7lb sample of Victor and my dog loved it. It also cut down on the poop. The problem is that no one in my area carries it. Even if i drive to conroe (which is a pretty good drive) it just isn't very convienent. :'(
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: bghogdogtx on December 04, 2009, 07:54:40 am Has anyone in the Tyler, Tx area seen the Victor Dog Food?
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Findahog on December 04, 2009, 10:42:06 am Their is a guy at canton weekend. That sells it every month. He sould know if there is any dealers around tyler.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: chainrated on December 04, 2009, 01:45:48 pm I looked it up, wanted to see the ingredients but they didn't have them listed.. It says their is No corn, wheat or gluten in it which is a big plus. Could someone that uses it give me the first 4 or 5 ingredients off the bag. i'd like to know the meat content of it..
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: nthogger on December 04, 2009, 09:20:43 pm whitesborrow feed store is s of 82 on 377 ,and the guy in canton i think is a distributor i talked to him
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: HogzgoneWild on December 04, 2009, 09:28:07 pm Yall we can set your local feed stores up as distributors, just get me the name and #..
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: nthogger on December 05, 2009, 10:38:50 pm Im gona talk to a couple and get the info ill pm it to you as soon as i can.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Baby Boy Curs on December 06, 2009, 10:05:37 am We just started using Victor 24/20 and one of dogs that is a picky eater love's it...They don't pop as much and our 15yr old loves that...LOL We live in Malakoff and get our victor in Montala General Store Address is 9799N. State Hwy 19, Montalba...Phone # is 903-549-2975
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: kaycee on December 06, 2009, 11:35:51 am 1st 3 ingredients on the 24-20 is meat meal, grain sorghums, chicken fat. The vitamin packs they put in are excellent. I used to do a lot of supplements but have found with victor I don't have to unless I have a dog hurt pretty bad. I run my dogs in the pen now and am very pleased with their stamina. My son runs his in the woods and says he loves the feed. I toured the plant where they make it with a 5 min. notice that I was on my way and could not have been more pleased. Its cleaner than 90% of the people food processing plants that I have been in. Victor is made in Mount Pleasant TX by MID AMERICA PET FOODS. The number is 903-572-5900. You can call and ask where the closest dealer to you is. Mary will go out of her way to help you. I love the fact that they keep the small town personality with such great quality products. If you want you can tell her Kelley told you to call. They quality on all the feed is excellent. I feed several older dogs the 22-10 and they do great on it. Alot of times dogfood companies will cheat on the lower % feed but they don't.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: chainrated on December 07, 2009, 11:13:18 am Thanks for the info.. I'm gonna talk to my local feed store about it and see if I can get a few bags..
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: t.wilbanks on December 14, 2009, 02:00:17 pm I get the Victor here in Daingerfield. I started on the 30-20, and the dogs look good on it, but their stool is kinda runny. Should i maybe try the 24-20?
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Bump on December 14, 2009, 02:18:59 pm I get the Victor here in Daingerfield. I started on the 30-20, and the dogs look good on it, but their stool is kinda runny. Should i maybe try the 24-20? I just purchased the 24/20. The dogs love it and are doing good weight wise....but I am seeing the same problem. Their crap is soft. Thought maybe it was the change and needed some time. I have always been told changing dog food will mess with a dogs stomach. Anyone know if that could be the reason the crap is soft or runny? Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Mike on December 14, 2009, 02:25:33 pm How long have y'all been feeding it? I'd give them a week or two to adjust to the food change. I've been feeding two dogs the 24/20 for a couple of weeks now... so far so good.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: t.wilbanks on December 14, 2009, 02:27:58 pm Ive only had them on it for a week, i may go ahead and try to go to the 24-20. My dogs really arent getting to hunt enough to be on the real high protein feed right now anyways.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Bump on December 14, 2009, 02:52:57 pm Ive only had them on it for a week, i may go ahead and try to go to the 24-20. My dogs really arent getting to hunt enough to be on the real high protein feed right now anyways. Think the 30/20 is the puppy formula. Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: t.wilbanks on December 14, 2009, 03:56:19 pm Ive only had them on it for a week, i may go ahead and try to go to the 24-20. My dogs really arent getting to hunt enough to be on the real high protein feed right now anyways. Think the 30/20 is the puppy formula. yeah its the active dog / puppy formula, kind of a teal colored bag Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Findahog on December 23, 2009, 08:09:09 am I picked up a couple a bags of the Victor 24/20 yesterday from Alan(Hogzgonewild). He's been feeding it the last month with great results. I've been feeding Sportsmix 24/20 the last few years and ingredient wise, the Victor looks better... it also calls for less feed by weight. How is the victor compared to sportmixTitle: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: lonewolf on December 23, 2009, 08:57:17 am I switched from diamond to vector 24/20 about 3 weeks ago so far so good!
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: aladatrot on December 29, 2009, 03:52:04 pm Sorry to rehash this old thread, but I'm wondering how these Victor dogs are doing now. Did the poops line out? Are the poops hard and golf ballish like on sportsmix? An update would be appreciated.
Cheers M Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: t.wilbanks on December 30, 2009, 09:37:37 am Sorry to rehash this old thread, but I'm wondering how these Victor dogs are doing now. Did the poops line out? Are the poops hard and golf ballish like on sportsmix? An update would be appreciated. Cheers M mine are doing really good on it now. Less crap to clean up, and its small and firm instead of being runny and everywhere during the first week. I think im going to stay with the victor Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: cantexduck on December 30, 2009, 05:32:42 pm Had dogs on it for 1.5 weeks. Never again. They crapped more in 2 days then a week on raw. Threw what I had left in the trash. I filled a 5ga bucket up in two days, .5cents cheaper then raw, not worth it.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: make-em-squeel on December 30, 2009, 05:41:25 pm Had dogs on it for 1.5 weeks. Never again. They crapped more in 2 days then a week on raw. Threw what I had left in the trash. I filled a 5ga bucket up in two days, .5cents cheaper then raw, not worth it. 1.5 wks is not enough time although I am not arguing that raw is the best, victor is still better than most affordable dog food on the market, ingredients are much more absorbable.Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: t.wilbanks on December 30, 2009, 06:48:28 pm Had dogs on it for 1.5 weeks. Never again. They crapped more in 2 days then a week on raw. Threw what I had left in the trash. I filled a 5ga bucket up in two days, .5cents cheaper then raw, not worth it. 1.5 wks is not enough time although I am not arguing that raw is the best, victor is still better than most affordable dog food on the market, ingredients are much more absorbable.it took my dogs probably 2 1/2 to 3 weeks to really get used to it. Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Mike on December 30, 2009, 10:59:16 pm 1 1/2 weeks isn't long enough. Been feeding two dogs for a month now... fixing to switch them all over.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: HogzgoneWild on December 31, 2009, 10:53:24 am Thats what I'm talkin about Mike, glad you like it. All mine are switched over now, been a few months, and absolutely no negatives to say about it(well except I wish it was 50# bags ;D) All in all it took about 3-4 weeks to really see how the dogs would react on it for certain. I'd say at least 3 weeks before you make an decision.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: Bump on December 31, 2009, 11:17:55 am It has taken about 3 weeks for me. The poop is firming up and a considerable amount less of it.
Not to mention they are looking good. Are yall feeding the 26/18 or the 24/20 ? Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: AnthonyB on December 31, 2009, 05:26:00 pm anyone know where you could get some around San Antonio?
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: doubleb on December 31, 2009, 08:02:24 pm hey anthonyb, not sure where at in sa but i get it at lyssy n eckel in poth. which is bout 30 min south of sa..
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on December 31, 2009, 09:23:43 pm I have been using victor for about 6 months and am pleased with it...espeically the price...hard to beat..
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: dpow243 on January 04, 2010, 03:37:34 pm anyone know of a place around waco that sells it? figured i would ask while waiting for a reply from a rep.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: hoghitters on January 04, 2010, 04:07:29 pm Browning feed in manvel tx south of houston are going get same on friday. going get try it
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: dpow243 on January 08, 2010, 02:10:18 pm feed store in McGregor, TX carries it. bout 20 miles outside Waco.
Title: Re: Victor Dog Food Post by: james.frankovich on January 12, 2010, 12:31:36 pm I've done some research on Victor Dog Foods and it is a great product at a great price! However, the difficulty is getting ahold of the stuff! I'm located in New Boston, TX (Northeast Texas 20 miles west of Texarkana) and am considering selling the feed in the local area. I have quite a few close friends that are interested but I really need to know what the demand for it is in the area. PLEASE DROP ME A LINE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING VICTOR FEED IN THE NE TEXAS AREA!! Thanks!!