HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Cutter on December 03, 2009, 08:18:17 am

Title: Little Off Topic But Please Give 5 mins of Your Time
Post by: Cutter on December 03, 2009, 08:18:17 am

I don't usually send these along but his one is legitimate.
Please read and act, only takes a minute!                           
On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of a two-page amendment courtesy of Republican Tom Coburn that would require all Members and their staffs to enroll in any new government-run health plan.  It took me less than a minute to sign up  to require our congressmen and senators to drink at the same trough!
Three cheers for Congressman John Fleming of Louisiana!  Congressman John Fleming ( Louisiana physician) has proposed an amendment that would require congressmen and senators to take the same healthcare plan they force on us (under proposed legislation they are curiously exempt).                       
Congressman Fleming is encouraging people to go on his Website and sign his petition (very simple - just first, last and email). I have immediately done just that at:   

http://fleming.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=55§iontree=29,55 (http://fleming.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=55§iontree=29,55)                                       
Please urge as many people as you can to do the same!   If Congress forces this on the American people, the Congressmen should have to accept the same level of health care for themselves and their families.  To do otherwise is the height of hypocrisy!   Please sign up and pass this on! 

Title: Re: Little Off Topic But Please Give 5 mins of Your Time
Post by: make-em-squeel on December 03, 2009, 10:32:20 am
Thanks for posting this website!!! This healthcare bill is nothing about health care and everything about controlling the masses, and taking away freedom! It will give government 48% controll of the private sector and thats just the beginning since health can be related to every lifestyle choice. The Gov. uses any crisis to offer protection at the price of our Freedom, most crisis' of which they caused like the housing bubble they now controll, after they pass this bill the u.s. dollar is the next bubble they are after. Watch or listen to Glen Beck!

Title: Re: Little Off Topic But Please Give 5 mins of Your Time
Post by: Ladogos on December 03, 2009, 10:40:56 am
Thanks for passing this on. I already finished filling in and sending my email ! ! ! ! ! 

Oh by the way .  Dr. John Fleming is from right here in my home town. And has had my vote from the begining.  ;D