HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Silverton Boar Dogs on May 03, 2008, 05:00:03 pm

Title: Hunt Silverton
Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on May 03, 2008, 05:00:03 pm
Hunted some new country last week. I have some wheat patches surrounded by brush that are drawing the hogs. I turned out on a good sounder that was on the wheat and they ran off into a creek bottom and one of my young dogs grabed a little one and busted the bay. After dark  Jessie winded some offthe truck and I waited for a bark and sent 2 more bay dogs and got a solid bay, set my little bulldog from 300 yards and heard him hit and then all heck brook loose. Bay broke, catch dog drug off, all dogs end up in canyon 3/4 of a mile away. It took us 45 min. to get down to where they were and all my bay dogs came out none were cut. Catch dog was missing for a week. He ate the pig and then started heading for home.....he has done that 3 times now......

Paul T


Title: Re: Hunt Silverton
Post by: GitDatHawg on May 03, 2008, 05:36:37 pm
thats pretty wild. good story

Title: Re: Hunt Silverton
Post by: Mike on May 03, 2008, 08:24:28 pm
Sounds like a good hunt Paul!

I guess that bulldog would rather stay out there and eat fresh pork than come home. ;D

Title: Re: Hunt Silverton
Post by: jlingle on May 04, 2008, 09:51:40 am
Cool story paul.  Who is the white dog in the picture?

Title: Re: Hunt Silverton
Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on May 04, 2008, 10:52:05 pm
Jarrod, Thats Mable, And she is a rising star. She is a littermate to Whart. Her mother is full sister to Boomer. She has turned on full blast just like her brother I really like her. She has been climbing into the bay pen and catching my practice pig.

About time for you to come over for a hunt, I got 3 new ranches to hunt, and your pup is ready to start hunting.....

Title: Re: Hunt Silverton
Post by: Bryant on May 04, 2008, 11:13:54 pm
Sounds like a great hunt!  Have you thought of using a tracking collar on your catch dog?

I loop a collar through one of the buckels on my dogs vest and it has definately come in handy a couple of times.
Good pics!

Title: Re: Hunt Silverton
Post by: Sean on May 04, 2008, 11:18:35 pm
good story paul. congrats on the hog!

Title: Re: Hunt Silverton
Post by: challacombe on May 07, 2008, 07:37:48 pm
Looks like another good hunt Paul... Smoke is doing well. Jarrod and I need to get Smoke and his Max into a bay pen and get them interested in hogs...

Title: Re: Hunt Silverton
Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on May 07, 2008, 10:32:40 pm
Corry, smokes littermates are staying bayed at the bay pen for about an hour at a time, they are little fire crackers. So hold on to your hat when you show her some hogs.