Title: blue and red ticks Post by: hogman49 on December 03, 2009, 05:12:46 pm hey yall have some ?S i have one red tick coon dog and a red tick hog dog im looking for more hog dogs i tried to ask the hog doggers the all gave me a hard time but i love the way they look so if any of yall have any pups or know any one that does let me know thanks and my coon dog is ready to hunt just need some hunting buddys and i have land with alot of coons on it so pm me if you can help thanks alot a good hunting to you all
Title: Re: blue and red ticks Post by: LionandBoarHunter on December 03, 2009, 10:42:39 pm MIGHT TRY BAY DOG ONLINE THERE WERE A FEW THERE THE OTHER DAY