Title: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 09, 2009, 09:32:41 am I've been wanting a new box for a while now. With the help of a friend, a few days of side work, and a whole lot of thought, this is the new box. It is a hog hunters dream box. It has 2 compartments, collar storage, and a big water tank. The tank is hidden for cosmetics. I'm very pleased with the project. I still have a few things to sand down, but it looks like it will work very well for my needs.
(http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/DSC06638.jpg) (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/DSC06639.jpg) (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/DSC06640.jpg) Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: ETHHunters on December 09, 2009, 09:36:33 am Nice and roomy! Looks good
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Circle C on December 09, 2009, 09:38:17 am Looks nice.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: chainrated on December 09, 2009, 09:42:59 am Real Nice Box...
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Bryant on December 09, 2009, 09:47:52 am Looks nice.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: lonewolf on December 09, 2009, 09:51:50 am That's a good lookin box!
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: tobyb2007 on December 09, 2009, 09:55:28 am Sure looks good
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Texas_Cur on December 09, 2009, 10:04:18 am Good work Cutter, that looks really good
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cull Buck on December 09, 2009, 10:38:02 am First class man. I like it!
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: UNDERDOG on December 09, 2009, 11:16:32 am Real nice....how much does it weigh? it looks light enough. mine is too heavy for easy in and out. Looks like some good work and design.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 09, 2009, 12:32:43 pm Top platform is 70" across by 53" deep. I am thinking that I will put a stall mat on the top to give the dogs traction. Tractor Farm has a 4'x6' for $40. This box is extremely heavy. It took two of us to load it. It was all we could do. I think the tail end of the truck will grab in the rain just fine. I might need to step up to a 2500. Man, now I just need a few hogs tied up top to make it look right.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: WAARHEID on December 09, 2009, 02:05:55 pm Dang Cutter, that is a nice setup!
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: raider54 on December 09, 2009, 02:08:46 pm Cutter, you are the only guy I have ever told, he has a nice lookin BOX......lol
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: sfboarbuster on December 09, 2009, 02:30:55 pm That's real nice cutter.
Im gonna have to go out and build me one like that now. Is it tig or mig welded? Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: BULLMASTER on December 09, 2009, 02:38:53 pm That is by far the nicest box I have ever seen,I really like the platform on top with the snaps.How many dogs do you think it will hold?
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: sfboarbuster on December 09, 2009, 02:41:03 pm That is by far the nicest box I have ever seen,I really like the platform on top with the snaps.How many dogs do you think it will hold? Id say 10 easily ;) Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 09, 2009, 03:11:29 pm That's real nice cutter. Im gonna have to go out and build me one like that now. Is it tig or mig welded? Depends on what part. Both Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 09, 2009, 03:14:35 pm That is by far the nicest box I have ever seen,I really like the platform on top with the snaps.How many dogs do you think it will hold? It has 7 eyebolts up top. I run big blueticks. They are 60-85#'s. I can fit all 5 in one side on the bottom just fine. They can stick their heads out the side windows to rig. I would think if I packed it full on the bottom and top, I could hit 15-18 easy. However, I never go to the woods with that kind of #'s. I made the divider solid, so I could put hogs in one side, and the dogs in the other. I won't have to worry about fights between the dogs and hogs. Man, I like this box. I hope to use it Saturday. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: TEXAS*MCH on December 09, 2009, 03:33:57 pm thats a sure enough dox box.. looks great !
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: hoghunterdfw on December 09, 2009, 03:36:46 pm so heres the million dollar question... HOW MUCH DID THIS COST YOU TO MAKE??
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 09, 2009, 03:46:59 pm so heres the million dollar question... HOW MUCH DID THIS COST YOU TO MAKE?? For fear my wife may look at this site, I'll just say it is a tool that I will use a lot in the future. It was needed as I sold my old box so that I could get one that better suited for my hunting needs. The dogs I used to hunt were not as tall as the pack I hunt now. ;) Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: sfboarbuster on December 09, 2009, 03:50:37 pm so heres the million dollar question... HOW MUCH DID THIS COST YOU TO MAKE?? For fear my wife may look at this site, I'll just say it is a tool that I will use a lot in the future. It was needed as I sold my old box so that I could get one that better suited for my hunting needs. The dogs I used to hunt were not as tall as the pack I hunt now. ;) soooo, is that in the 700 range? :D Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 09, 2009, 03:57:59 pm For which part?
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: sfboarbuster on December 09, 2009, 04:03:18 pm For which part? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! If the wife finds out your done for :D Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Circle C on December 09, 2009, 04:32:41 pm Must have been a lot of labor cost. ;)
Did you use 1/8 wall tubing, or do you have something heavier holding the forged eyebolts in place? I like the clean look, it just seems like there might not be a lot of thread in the tubing wall to get much bite. Now, don't take this as criticism, I am just asking, and I can certainly appreciate the nice details that y'all used in making this box. Mitered angles, the welds appear to be uniform, and evenly spaced. The small things that make one stand out. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Monteria on December 09, 2009, 04:35:50 pm Very nice box, Cutter. Looks good and serviceable.
Steve Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: dfboothe on December 09, 2009, 06:20:01 pm very nice box
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: hogmess on December 09, 2009, 06:43:07 pm so heres the million dollar question... HOW MUCH DID THIS COST YOU TO MAKE?? x2 if you don't mind saying. Nice looking box!!!! Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Florida Curdog on December 09, 2009, 06:49:14 pm That's nice :o
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: TX HOG on December 09, 2009, 08:28:38 pm well...... im half way done with a box im building and im gonna have to tear it apart and make it out of aluminum
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Eric on December 09, 2009, 09:19:33 pm Very nice. :)
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: BULLMASTER on December 09, 2009, 09:30:21 pm It must be nice to be a rich man ;D
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Dirtydog on December 09, 2009, 10:26:48 pm so lets see it in action. will be lookin for picks on sunday.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 10, 2009, 07:03:58 am Must have been a lot of labor cost. ;) Did you use 1/8 wall tubing, or do you have something heavier holding the forged eyebolts in place? I like the clean look, it just seems like there might not be a lot of thread in the tubing wall to get much bite. Chris, It is 1 1/4" square tubing with 1/8" walls. As for the eyebolts, they are galvanized. They are rated for 1200 #'s. I drilled a hole through the top rail all the way through both sides. I put the eyebolts through, and placed a flat washer followed by a lock washer. I then put a standard nut tightened all the way down. I followed that up with a lock nut tightened snug against the regular nut. After this was done, we placed the top rail on the vertical posts, and welded them on. It should have no problems staying in place. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 10, 2009, 07:06:06 am As for costs, I don't have it all added up yet. My buddy owns a metal shop, so I have to get the invoice for materials (metal) from him. He also had his welder help me with the project, so there is money there as well. I have over $100 in just the latches and hinges. I'll get some better pics of the water tank a little later. The top is 27" from the bed.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 10, 2009, 07:21:07 am It must be nice to be a rich man ;D You leave Chris and Mike out of this. ;D Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Circle C on December 10, 2009, 08:02:15 am Quote It is 1 1/4" square tubing with 1/8" walls. As for the eyebolts, they are galvanized. They are rated for 1200 #'s. I drilled a hole through the top rail all the way through both sides. I put the eyebolts through, and placed a flat washer followed by a lock washer. I then put a standard nut tightened all the way down. I followed that up with a lock nut tightened snug against the regular nut. After this was done, we placed the top rail on the vertical posts, and welded them on. It should have no problems staying in place. That's first class stuff there. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Black Gold on December 10, 2009, 08:06:50 am NICELY DONE!
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: T.Angel on December 10, 2009, 10:48:24 am Really nice box!!
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 10, 2009, 02:22:51 pm For those of you who have asked about the hidden water tank, here goes. It is tucked up on top of the middle divider. Water tank is 8" x 8" x 3/16" aluminum beam. We tigged plates on the ends. We also put a 3/4" female coupling on the top and bottom for fill spout and drain spout. It was directly welded to the inside of the top of the frame. It gets it out of the way, as well as really braces it up nicely
Shot from just behind cab on the driver's side,looking towards the passenger's side rear. (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/DSC06646.jpg) This is just a few inches down looking from the side of box. Notice the orange cap to fill the tank. (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/DSC06647.jpg) This is with the trap door open on the top platform exposing the fill cap. It is a breathable cap so that when dispencing water, it won't glug out. (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/DSC06645.jpg) Being right handed, I wanted to be able to get to the water spout with my right hand. Therefore, it is just behind the storage compartment on the passanger side of the dog box. To access, I just open the door to that side. I did not want it out the back, as I viewed it as a potential knee-knocker. (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/DSC06648.jpg) Most likely, I will put a male quick disconnect fitting on the valve. I will then have the female quick disconnect with a short piece of hose, so that I can use it to rinse hands and such. If I'm just filling dog bowls, I will just let it pour straight down. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on March 15, 2010, 09:29:17 am I've got it rigged with lights as well. It seems to really work nicely.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: spazhogdog on March 15, 2010, 04:22:03 pm Man that is nice, I am assuming the little door is collar storage. I like the rigging on top. Now I want to see the picture of the first hog tied to the top
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: BarrNinja on March 15, 2010, 04:48:28 pm Josh that is one nice box!!!
Looks expensive but Im sure its worth it. The kind of quality you can put in the "will" for your kids. The price of hunting tall dogs I guess. lol Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: POTTER on March 15, 2010, 05:14:41 pm Cutter that is first class!!! Two thumbs up :o
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on March 16, 2010, 09:33:13 am Man that is nice, I am assuming the little door is collar storage. I like the rigging on top. Now I want to see the picture of the first hog tied to the top Yes, Spaz it is for collars and supplies. As for pics, this is the box I had when I saw you down South. It has had it's share of swine on it thus far. Flacracker has seen the dogs rig off of it. When they strike, I drop them off the box. GAME ON!!!!!!!!! Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: BarrNinja on March 16, 2010, 10:27:18 am On a scale of 1 - 10 Ill give it a 9. It wont be a 10 until you get some blood on it. ;D
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on March 16, 2010, 10:32:18 am Alan,
You're killing me. Give me the 9.75 based off of this thread. http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/forum/index.php?topic=13871.0 Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: crackerc on March 16, 2010, 08:58:03 pm Josh,
The only thing I would add to that box, would be a good Fla cur dog on top................ ;D Good looking dog box though!! Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on March 17, 2010, 06:49:50 am Mark,
How's the dogs healing up? Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on May 03, 2011, 02:13:33 pm I just recently had the doors trimmed down. They are now sporting 5" gaps to the top fo the box frame to match the sides. This will stop all the tail crunching. ;)
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on May 03, 2011, 07:00:59 pm (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/1d820609.jpg)
(http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/0afdf63c.jpg) Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: SwineHunter on May 03, 2011, 08:12:03 pm very nice.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: tnhillbilly on May 03, 2011, 09:45:55 pm I need one for a 4 door dodge dakota
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: rdjustham on May 18, 2011, 10:19:42 pm Josh can you post pics of the lights and the wiring, i think ive bout got my "labor costs" talked into building me one, and i want lights but the wiring hidden
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on May 19, 2011, 06:02:43 am I hid the wiring in the frame. I'll try to get some pics today.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: rdjustham on May 19, 2011, 08:52:02 am I hid the wiring in the frame. I'll try to get some pics today. thats what i was wanting to do, just worried when the aluminum was welded it would melt the wires.. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: dan on May 19, 2011, 08:55:15 am Cutter,
I would really like to see the light system in detail. My box slides in with a treated floor. I am looking for some lighting ideas too. The initials on the side, were recently added with a plasma cutter. This box is 4 years old and is the last one I will have. (http://i647.photobucket.com/albums/uu198/shooter850/IMG00251-20110228-0752.jpg) Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on May 19, 2011, 11:55:32 am I hid the wiring in the frame. I'll try to get some pics today. thats what i was wanting to do, just worried when the aluminum was welded it would melt the wires.. All the wiring was added after the box was completed. "Fishing" them can be tricky, but well worth the time. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: rdjustham on May 20, 2011, 06:46:32 am Gotcha.. I was thinking about that and all i could come with was a pain in the ....
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on May 20, 2011, 12:42:23 pm The single toggle switch controls both sides of the box. I used auto fog lamps for lighting. They light the box extremely well.
1st shot is of driver's side looking from the side of the truck. (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/334b1c4e.jpg) Same side, power connector. Notice the wire comes out out the frame. (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/4a7da109.jpg) Truck side power cable run direct to online fuse, then battery. (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/43bea136.jpg) Passenger side of box. (http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t208/12-GAUGE_photo/27d10e06.jpg) Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: geronimo on May 20, 2011, 03:54:15 pm cutter did you ever watch james bond or mcgiver growing up???
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on May 20, 2011, 05:25:43 pm cutter did you ever watch james bond or mcgiver growing up??? I've never seen either. I was too busy doing chores my parents gave me. Character is made not bought. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: dub on May 21, 2011, 11:28:36 pm cutter did you ever watch james bond or mcgiver growing up??? I've never seen either. I was too busy doing chores my parents gave me. Character is made not bought. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on July 26, 2011, 09:36:00 pm Btt for Brian.
Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: slick on July 26, 2011, 10:56:10 pm very nice set up!
when you hunt your dogs from the rig do you wait for them to bark then you stop and turn them loose? also when you are travelling what sort of speeds are you sitting on? why do hunters in the US seem to not use a flat bed? i know some do but many use a pick up style, id be too scared to get it scratched lol Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on July 26, 2011, 11:05:49 pm very nice set up! when you hunt your dogs from the rig do you wait for them to bark then you stop and turn them loose? also when you are travelling what sort of speeds are you sitting on? why do hunters in the US seem to not use a flat bed? i know some do but many use a pick up style, id be too scared to get it scratched lol Yes, when the hounds open I stop and unclip them. Sometimes we are going 10 MPH, other times I'm going 55 MPH. I like a flatbed, I just never owned one. Our trucks come from the factory with a sided bed, so most just keep it. Title: Re: Cutter Bay's new dog box Post by: FLBayNSlay on July 27, 2011, 09:31:05 am Nice Box Cutter!!! ;D I like that rig rack around the top. Nothing like a hound that will rig! ;)