HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: BMichalak on May 06, 2008, 06:01:59 pm

Title: Need a hunting partner!!
Post by: BMichalak on May 06, 2008, 06:01:59 pm
i am going to school at sam here in huntsville during the week and go home on the weekends to work but ive got alot of piney woods to hunt in up here with alot of hogs!!! huntsville is about 70 miles away from home so all of my hunting buddys back home dont wanna have to spend the gas money to get up here.. so i was just wandering if anybody was interested in going hunting up in and around the hunsville area... i ve got 1100 acres in the bedias and crabbs prarie area that need to be hunted!! so if anyone wants to put dogs on the ground up here let me know!!! thanks!

Title: Re: Need a hunting partner!!
Post by: Mike on May 06, 2008, 07:08:34 pm
We're right here out of Willis... holler sometimes.

Title: Re: Need a hunting partner!!
Post by: BMichalak on May 06, 2008, 07:41:07 pm
ok man thats kool! maybe in the next few weekends?

Title: Re: Need a hunting partner!!
Post by: hogdoggin91 on May 06, 2008, 07:45:21 pm
hey man ill take you up on that offer if ya need a huntin buddy, i live in houston but have all my dogs in cut-n-shoot right south of huntsville. gimme a call when you get the chance-  713 245 6805 name is chino