Title: Red Female Lacy Pup for Sale/Trade Post by: Rachael Connally on December 22, 2009, 03:18:28 pm She's red, about 14 weeks old, and has seen a couple shoats in a pen. She's out of two of my Lacys, both good dogs who will find, stop, and bay. We are in need of a catch dog pup, an anti-bark collar, some cut gear, or $200 or best cash offer. We're in La Vernia, TX. I will post newer pics when I get home, after Christmas, or you can text me for an older pic of her.
Thanks and merry Christmas! -- R Connally 210-842-5331 (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2518/4132255384_75810ba3f8.jpg) Title: Re: Red Female Lacy Pup for Sale/Trade Post by: Rachael Connally on December 24, 2009, 08:59:50 am Btt.
Title: Re: Red Female Lacy Pup for Sale/Trade Post by: Rachael Connally on December 26, 2009, 10:48:19 am Btt.