HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: curdogsforhogs on December 23, 2009, 06:59:33 pm

Title: Managed a Double
Post by: curdogsforhogs on December 23, 2009, 06:59:33 pm
Johnf and I loaded up a couple packs of dogs and headed out for the hills today for a hunt before christmas. All our crew of hunting partners had to work so It was just he and I. That makes for a hard days hunting walking in on public ground in the mountains. Everywhere we headed out to was already occupied so it forced us to go to an area we havent hunted in awhile. JohnF brought Jade(Plott) strike dog, Butter(BMC) and to cur/plot cross pups. I loaded up Speck(cat strike dog), Bill(BMC) and Emma(Bird/Bull). We started out winding our way up the mountains without seeing any fresh sign besides a lone hog track in the trail. We cut the dogs loose and figured they could cover more ground than we would. Not long after we JohnF worked his pack towards bedding grounds and Jade struck and worked the hog out down deep in a holler. His pups and BMC went with her and had the boar bayed pretty quick. Done deal on hog one. Seems our packs never stay together. Speck and Bill were hunting out in another direction and I went to pull them on up the mountain towards the action hopping to strike on another hog that was in the group, like I had planned it Speck picked up a hog and with Bill they ran the hog about a mile in the opposite direction and stopped him in a drainage up against the mountain face. After JohnF told me his hogs was down I headed to my pack. When I made it to the bay I could see he wasn't going anywhere. He could barley standup he was so exhausted and Speck and Bill were holding him tight.Emma was trailing me so I waited for her to make it to the bay and let her work the hog. She jumped right in and grabbed the hog and then went to baying. This was her first hog since getting her but I think she is going to do great. She was fired up after finding the hog. This was the easy part. We had hogs down before noon and managed to get them out around 4pm. Tough day but very good day. Ready to hit it again. (http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af345/curdogsforhogs/Mobile%20Uploads/12-23-0995162.jpg)(http://[IMG]http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af345/curdogsforhogs/Mobile%20Uploads/12-23-0995162.jpg)[/img](http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af345/curdogsforhogs/ninetimes.jpg)(http://)

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: Noah on December 23, 2009, 07:14:34 pm
How many miles you cover walk hunting a hound?  Good hunt!

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: curdogsforhogs on December 23, 2009, 07:27:29 pm
quite a few if we free cast but today not so bad.

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: BA-IV on December 23, 2009, 07:38:31 pm
Nice hogs, them some wooley boogers...looks like they could run for hours

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: johnf on December 23, 2009, 07:41:56 pm
i ran my plott with closer hunting dogs today and she didnt range as bad. i was actualy looking at her in the roadbed ahead when she struck.maybe a 400yrd race and she bayed and bmc caught and held til i got there an tcb.

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: HDCURS on December 23, 2009, 07:54:38 pm
How about a better pic of that dog box if you get a chance!

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: lonewolf on December 23, 2009, 10:05:15 pm
Sounds like a good hunt, Good pics!

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: lilmisshogdogger on December 24, 2009, 09:08:25 am

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: HogzgoneWild on December 24, 2009, 09:16:39 am
Nice huntin, good pics.

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: curdogsforhogs on December 24, 2009, 09:18:50 am
Aint no joke pullings hogs out of these mountains...you either want to do it or it will brake you from hog hunting..harder than any work I have ever done fer sure

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: Florida Curdog on December 24, 2009, 10:49:41 am
Good hogs. Makes me glad Florida is flat

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: BULLMASTER on December 24, 2009, 11:36:05 am
Curdog do you have a website?I would like to see some of your dogs and would also like to see a pic of your box,I tried Goldencreekcats but nothing came up,good hunt.

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: curdogsforhogs on December 24, 2009, 02:40:43 pm
Have one started but not smart enough to get it posted I guess.  goldencreekcatahoulas.com  heres a pic of the boxes I was building.(http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af345/curdogsforhogs/DSC02516.jpg)(http://)  some of my dogs are in albums on photobucket , search curdogsforhogs, and videos on you tube at goldencreekcatahoulas

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: JandAoutdoors on December 24, 2009, 04:49:27 pm
Curdogsforhogs..are you going to be at the Grand American this year?

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: curdogsforhogs on December 24, 2009, 06:10:03 pm
Coming down Saturday, Have a litter of BMC x Cat pups plus a few other hog dogs for sale. No equipment or boxes for sale. Got tired of building them and dont really have the time. Have we met before?

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: joe05 on December 24, 2009, 08:26:17 pm
you'll have any finish or started curs for sale

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: curdogsforhogs on December 24, 2009, 10:41:02 pm
Have a female cat cross that I have had for a few years. She runs semi open and hunts close to medium. She has found her own hogs but never been my lead strike dog. Works well with my pack.  She was rougher than she is now but still will get in close. Boar cut her down last year but she will still pull hair.

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: joe05 on December 25, 2009, 07:28:33 am
let me know if you are selling any silent ones soon 985-518-4767 joe

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: pig snatcher on December 25, 2009, 04:42:56 pm
Good hogs.

Sent you a pm

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: JandAoutdoors on December 25, 2009, 06:16:54 pm
yea i met u this past year at the Grand Americani bought a couple of things from you...and at the trials in Abbeville,GA we talked a little

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: BoarBuster254 on December 25, 2009, 07:00:27 pm
nice hogs

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: ESTEBAN_B on December 25, 2009, 07:08:51 pm
good hunt! nice pics!

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: curdogsforhogs on December 25, 2009, 07:16:34 pm
You had gotten a Dogo right, I remeber talking to you and you bought some collars and vest . Hows it going.

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: JandAoutdoors on December 26, 2009, 04:50:32 pm
yea thats right..its been good hunting has been slow b/c of deer season but its been good

Title: Re: Managed a Double
Post by: curdogsforhogs on December 26, 2009, 08:27:13 pm
we will be there Saturday, Just look for me