HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: scout1 on December 27, 2009, 08:18:52 pm

Title: Aggression?
Post by: scout1 on December 27, 2009, 08:18:52 pm
Got a new strike dog (catahoula) Charlie, went on a hunt with a buddy of mine, anyway Charlie and Bubba (my main strike dog) hunted well together  we got to the hog, stuck it, got the dogs off the hog, and Bubba tore into my new dog (dead hog aggression) - he has never done this with any dog!  My buddy laughed and said its probably all the mtn. curs I run know that charlie is a catahoula, and they are racist..  Seriously, why would this come out in a dog that has never had an aggressive bone in his body,  I can usually say "dead hog" and Bubba will leave it alone - and not even so much as curl a lip to another dog...   Just alittle frustrated,  In need of some advice...   Also the two dogs are kenneled beside each other, and are not growly at all....

Title: Re: Aggression?
Post by: jdt on December 27, 2009, 08:26:44 pm
i dont know what causes stuff like that sometimes , but if it happens again i'd sure enough show him who the real boss is . stuff like that can be contagious . and ruin a good pack .


Title: Re: Aggression?
Post by: craig on December 27, 2009, 08:28:19 pm
how long have you had your new strike dog ?

could be they have a little dominance thing going on, you will have to stay on top of it to help them resolve there problem.

chances are they will fuss at one another in the kennels now.  keep a close eye on them.

Title: Re: Aggression?
Post by: TX HOG on December 27, 2009, 08:47:18 pm
i had a problem with 2 of my CDs. i put them on chains next to each other and they are doing good now.

Title: Re: Aggression?
Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on December 27, 2009, 09:11:10 pm
I have a couple of dogs that are aggressive with each other and don't know how to stop it....I have put the fear of God in them and they do ok for a couple of days, but it always comes back.  As of now, I can't hunt them together....Any Ideas?  All I can think of at this point is to have one of them cut....

Title: Re: Aggression?
Post by: craig on December 27, 2009, 09:24:43 pm
I have a couple of dogs that are aggressive with each other and don't know how to stop it....I have put the fear of God in them and they do ok for a couple of days, but it always comes back.  As of now, I can't hunt them together....Any Ideas?  All I can think of at this point is to have one of them cut....

 i had that same problem about 15yr ago with a pair of male dogs i cut the more aggressive one and cured my problem, took about 3 or 4 months to trust them together after haveing the dog cut..

Title: Re: Aggression?
Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on December 27, 2009, 09:34:47 pm
thanks Craig...

Title: Re: Aggression?
Post by: chainrated on December 27, 2009, 09:46:23 pm
Sometimes 2 dogs just don't like each other...

Title: Re: Aggression?
Post by: Noah on December 27, 2009, 11:16:06 pm
The new dog has not yet been accepted by the pack, until then the problem will continue...