THE CLASSIFIEDS => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: Clay on May 16, 2008, 08:46:05 pm

Title: Deer Lease
Post by: Clay on May 16, 2008, 08:46:05 pm
Looking for deer lease within 2 hours of houston. I know of 4 people that will need spots. Looking for a place with a few people on it tired of having 50 people to deal with.

Title: Re: Deer Lease
Post by: mley1 on May 16, 2008, 11:25:53 pm
Looking for deer lease within 2 hours of houston. I know of 4 people that will need spots. Looking for a place with a few people on it tired of having 50 people to deal with.

Clay, are you including me as one of the four? ;D BTW, I called ya this evening but it was late. I got your message. I had loaned Mitch my phone and got it back close to ten o'clock. Sorry for calling you back so late.

Title: Re: Deer Lease
Post by: Clay on May 17, 2008, 06:35:05 pm
we will need 6 spots the numbers keep going up. Marty hopefully we can work it out with the new lease people john is gonna call them on monday and try and find more info.

Title: Re: Deer Lease
Post by: elliscountyhog on May 19, 2008, 01:54:20 pm
clay we are going to be getting off our leases in gatesville and crockett i think if interested pm me and i will see if i can get you the leasers info. About 1K/gun on either lease. Very nice places though.

Title: Re: Deer Lease
Post by: mley1 on May 26, 2008, 11:21:37 pm
Clay, went up and got my feeders and stands off of the lease this weekend. I also got my camper and took it home. I tried to take all my stuff, but I had to leave some stuff. There is a 12 foot 4x4 that I had been using for the hanging pole. We cut it down, but it wouldn't fit in the back of the truck while I pulled the camper. So we left it at my camp spot. While you're up there next weekend if you think about it can you pick it up? I also could not fit in the concrete fire ring slabs. So I had to leave them there as well. It looks like most everyone has all got their stuff off at the camp grounds. There weren't too many camps still there.

Also, I have to pass on looking at the new lease for next weekend. I have a birthday party to throw for the kids. Mitch and Michelle have turned 11 and Matthew has turned 9. So, we'll be having a party next saturday. Ya'll are welcome to come over for some cake and ice cream or a hot dog next saturday if you decide not to go to the lease.

Title: Re: Deer Lease
Post by: Clay on May 27, 2008, 06:06:18 am
Thanks marty but i need to go to the lease i have alot of stuff to haul off. Probably gonna be two trips atleast.

Title: Re: Deer Lease
Post by: mley1 on May 27, 2008, 06:31:45 am
Okie dokie. If ya think about it, check my camp for that 4x4. I sure don't want them to get it. If ya got room I'd appreciate ya bringing it home Clay. We both have hung a few animals off of that 4x4.

Title: Re: Deer Lease
Post by: elliscountyhog on May 27, 2008, 12:34:24 pm
We are diffenetly getting off both leases if interested. We are going to get our stuff off unless yall lease then we wont have to rush and get it. But one is in gatesville it is 550 acres with 11ponds stocked and lots of hogs and deer. The other is in crockett texas near davy crockettt and it is 600 acres no elec and it has a lot of deer and few hogs. Let me know thanks about 1100/gun for gatesville and 1000 for crockett. I just cant find the hunters to stay on either one. But we killed bigger deer on the crockett lease.

Title: Re: Deer Lease
Post by: Clay on May 27, 2008, 05:43:05 pm
Thanks elliscounty im looking at one this weekend if it dosnt work out i will let you know