Title: The Sims line of BMCs Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on December 31, 2009, 12:24:00 pm I notice on some of my papers and talking to other people who have ben dogs that the name Sims comes up on some of our better dogs. Does anyone out there know anything about the Sims line of dogs that were added to the Foundation? Do this line still exist?
Title: Re: The Sims line of BMCs Post by: grittydog on December 31, 2009, 02:26:47 pm I have not had any luck finding information on the Sims line. Do the Gays Line show up in your any of your? JT
Title: Re: The Sims line of BMCs Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on December 31, 2009, 03:07:01 pm no, all my dogs from Yellow Jacket (Ben' son) go back to randy bred dogs, sims dogs, and Red burkhart's dogs..I called and asked about the Burkhart dogs a few years back (Red is dead now, but did talk to someone who had been close to Red and had some of the dogs. He said that Red was real secretive about the dogs and his bloodline. Anyway, never could find anything out about Sims.. If you are interested, I know Gay is still around, don't know him but can put you in contact with people who do know him..
Title: Re: The Sims line of BMCs Post by: skoalbandett on December 31, 2009, 04:57:06 pm Most of the dogs in John Gay's line came from Ben Jordan or from dogs from Ben Jordans dogs. Some came from people with dogs bred like Ben's dogs are, including the people who bred his Henry dog.