Title: In reference to MR. DAVID THOMS Post by: Randy_P on December 31, 2009, 09:56:11 pm I made a reply on here during the THoms Blackmouths thread saying that I purchased two pups from Thoms and that they are not making the grade and will probably take them back. This is a true statement but to clear things up I have spoken with Mr. Thoms on numerous occasions about what the pups have been doing. In NO way was this to be taken as Mr. Thoms being dishonest and a crook. Mr. Thoms guarantees his dogs to work on whatever you train them on. This means the dog is to satisfy you in whatever you want it to do, if not bring them back and he will give your money back or let you pick a different pup. The guarantee till a year means you are to work the dogs until they are a year before Thoms wants you to bring them back. To my knowledge Mr. Thoms has always been honest and straight with everyone he deals with. It seems as if there are people on this forum that like to get stuff started and repeat things a little different than the way they actually heard them. If you do not understand what I am talking about then don't bother asking, if you do know what I am implying about people calling Randy Wright to get things stirred up in order to TOOT your horn then feel free to get in contact with me through a PM and we can get things straight in person!!! It is ridiculous how grown men like to act like a bunch of DAMN SCHOOL GIRLS!