Title: WTB Plott or half plott 1/2 cur Post by: jbadboy on January 09, 2010, 12:13:37 pm I am looking for a plott or 1/2 plott 1/2 cur started you can e-mail me @ jbadboy197605@yahoo.com I am located in hemphill texas
Title: Re: WTB Plott or half plott 1/2 cur Post by: charles on January 09, 2010, 06:21:43 pm I got a 1/3 plott,bmc and cat. He is 2.5yr old, and is silent on track and will shut a running hog down and go back to baying. He will find and bay his own hog and will catch by himself depending on size of hog. You can call me at 936-366-3024, my name is charles.
Title: Re: WTB Plott or half plott 1/2 cur Post by: Maver!ck on January 10, 2010, 11:38:27 am Charles, where are you from?
Have kin folk with 936 area code that hunt hogs, thought you might know them. Maver!ck |