HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: t.wilbanks on January 10, 2010, 05:53:30 pm

Title: Not So Good Hunt ( Long Story )
Post by: t.wilbanks on January 10, 2010, 05:53:30 pm
Went out last night by myself since everybody backed out because it was so cold rolleyes

Hit a couple spots with no luck, so i decided to load up and try somewhere else. I got Molly ( catchdog ) loaded up , but Clyde and my Saddleback Cur gyp didnt want to get in the truck. So i let them run ahead of the truck, while I jacked with my dads GPS i was trying to learn how to use. Got alittle ways down the road and looked up and neither one of the dogs were in sight. I killed the truck and rolled down the window and could here both dogs bayed solid. I figured i had already messed up the waypoints and tracks on the gps, so i just chunk it in the seat since i still had my compass. I jump out, grab Molly and head to them. I get close enough to them and let Molly go and she RUNS THE WRONG WAY!!  >:(  So i ease up to the bay and see that they had a good sow around 175 #. I wait alittle while hoping Molly will show up, but she doesnt. So i decide to try and get my non gritty bay dogs to catch. Bad idea. As soon as i open my mouth, the hog breaks. So the race is on, i have no catch dog, and they are getting farther and farther away. I reach to my side to get my compass, and my pouch it was in is GONE! Right about now im am pretty P.O'd. I find my way back to the truck to drive around to them and realize my keys where in the LOST POUCH!!  SH#T!!  >:(  >:(   So i have a locked truck, no compass, no catch dog, and a bayed hog a good ways away. After about an hour of walking in the woods, i some how find the pouch and my catch dog shows up shortly after with her face covered in blood. Not sure what happened, but she didnt get the hog they had bayed. I guess they finally got smoked and came back, so i loaded up and went home pissed off and no hog.  

But anyways, here is a video we took today of Clyde ( Black Kemmer Cur ) My new dog Speck ( 1/2 Blue Tick 1/2 Mountain Cur ),  and my buddies dog  Domino ( Stephens Cur w/ orange bay vest on )  in the bay pen ( Hog had a hurt leg, so she couldnt charge very fast ). I also put Boss ( 1/2 AB, 1/2 Bullmastiff ) into trainging for a catch dog, and he caught ear first time. Cant show his video, but here is a pic of him and you can see him in the video on the far side of the pen.


(http://i467.photobucket.com/albums/rr31/kaboom1302/th_017.jpg) (http://s467.photobucket.com/albums/rr31/kaboom1302/?action=view&current=017.flv)

Title: Re: Not So Good Hunt ( Long Story )
Post by: WAARHEID on January 10, 2010, 06:24:13 pm
Too bad about the keys, dang. But it sounds like the dogs are working. Just remember they call it "hunting" and not "farming" for a reason  :D

Title: Re: Not So Good Hunt ( Long Story )
Post by: mississippi hog on January 10, 2010, 06:58:20 pm
like the looks of old boss. how old and how much does he weigh twill?

Title: Re: Not So Good Hunt ( Long Story )
Post by: t.wilbanks on January 10, 2010, 07:27:52 pm
like the looks of old boss. how old and how much does he weigh twill?

he just turned a year in December, not exactly sure about weight, but he is big and VERY stout. He should have no problem anchoring down a good hog! I will try and get him weighed this next week, and i will let you know.