Title: EAR CROPPING- HOUSTON AREA?? Post by: iwasson on January 11, 2010, 11:33:11 am Does anyone know where I can get my dog's (10 week dogoxpit)ears cropped in the Houston area for a reaonable price?? The cheapest vet I've found thus far was $350 which was what I paid a year or so ago to have my male's ears done-- but money's a little tighter now. thanks ahead of time for any help.
Title: Re: EAR CROPPING- HOUSTON AREA?? Post by: CBH on January 11, 2010, 08:23:46 pm Hear in Alto i know a guy who does it for free but you probably don't want to go to him.
Title: Re: EAR CROPPING- HOUSTON AREA?? Post by: country man 563 on January 12, 2010, 08:12:07 am theres a guy west of cleveland he did my males ears and im happy with them he took real good care in doing it. the price was 75
Title: Re: EAR CROPPING- HOUSTON AREA?? Post by: Bino9905 on January 12, 2010, 11:00:03 pm There is a place in Richwood TX, I think its called Brazoswood vet clinic....anyway he does it for like 125 but the puppies have to be really young, 10 weeks might be too old already. ....i had to pay 300 bucks for my boxers ears cuz i didnt take hime until 14 weeks