Title: started walker cross Post by: txhogdogger on January 11, 2010, 01:20:26 pm I have a 1/2 walker 1/4 cat 1/4 pit. Hes a year and 3 months. Hes been on around 20 hogs in the wild. Hes been at the bay every time. Hes never found his own hog. He hunts hard. Theres a video of him on texas hog dogs post selling out. He is the bigger black and white dog. Hes pretty gritty and will stop a hog. Silent on track. Im located by stephanville. Im askin 150 for him. Call me if intrested 1254 979 5111 or pm
Title: Re: started walker cross Post by: txhogdogger on January 11, 2010, 01:20:58 pm /Users/austinkoonce/Desktop/th_100_1018.jpg
Title: Re: started walker cross Post by: Caddo co. hog dog on January 11, 2010, 02:39:35 pm where u out of? im very interested. if not to far ill buy him