HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: nothing on May 28, 2008, 04:10:56 am

Title: getting a second dog soon
Post by: nothing on May 28, 2008, 04:10:56 am
ive been talking to my brother the last few weeks he lives in a place called lightning ridge its were all the big pigs are around this area they have monster tusks and size. a average hog there is about 200lb (90kg). anyway he was telling me about all of his pups he has got out of his dog and a female dog he got. his dog got a 175kg boar one out that is about 380 lbs he told me if i wanted a pup i can have one for free so i said ill take one. he has got me a brindle dog that is going to be about twice the size as the dog ive got but that dont mean im going to stop taknig out the dog ive got now he will still be my number one pick for a hunting partner. its going to be weird for me because i have never used two dogs hunting before i should get used to it tho it will take alot of pressure of the dog i have got now to . will put pics up when i get some.

Title: Re: getting a second dog soon
Post by: nothing on May 28, 2008, 05:59:00 pm
    that will really change the playing field for ya Pilli,maybe start catching two hogs at a time ;D ;D


yea mate it will change alot for me . i could be gettin to or three hogs at a time but i only go to my other property and back its only about a hour and a half trip and i dont let me dog find them much because i can never hear him when he is so far into the bush on one and i dont have no tracking stuff . i just wait till on runs out in front of me about 80 percent of the time and i only put him on one from the mob i dont keep him going one after another because he wares out pretty quick. when i get everything i need and this second dog i should be posting about me catching two or three pigs not junt one lol.

Title: Re: getting a second dog soon
Post by: aussiedogger on May 30, 2008, 10:20:22 pm
good stuff!  ;D whats the pup got in him?

Title: Re: getting a second dog soon
Post by: nothing on May 30, 2008, 11:40:00 pm
good stuff!  ;D whats the pup got in him?

not to sure yet i cant understand him on the phone half the time lol i know it is blue cattle dog bullmastiff that is all  i no that is in it atm.