Title: Holiday hunt Post by: Wmwendler on January 18, 2010, 08:11:17 pm To celebrate the good Dr. King today I went hog hunting. :) Allong for the hunt were some old family freinds who we dont get to hunt with enough. Dad had two dogs allong..... monk, and Fuzz. I had Paris and Joe and the other guys brought allong two dogs a Red male and a Young Black and tan female.
It was plenty wet and muddy but we made due. The dogs got piggy real soon and hit the woods hard just as we rode into some fresh sign on the 4-wheelers. It did'nt take long and they opened, but the barking was a bit scattered for a min or two We got closer on foot and they were after a good boar which ran right past me with 6 fresh dogs hog on his heels. I figured he would have to bay soon but he did'nt want to have anything to do with that they would bay for just a bit then run again. I was keeping up but got cut off when they crossed a deep sleugh. One of the other guys had made his way to the other side which was not near as thick and the dogs could work the hog allot better they kept baying a breaking all the while and the hog treid to come back across the sleugh but they made him look at em as he tried to cross and He shot the boar. Paris and Fuzz rolled out of garmin range so I went to where they last registered and fuzz was coming back in. Paris came back into range from about 3/4 a mile out heading back toward me then went down allong the river and struck some hogs. The other dogs went to her and busted the bay but they came back my direction, it was two sows and a bunch of pigs. The race went right by me through an open spot. As I was following the race I saw the bigger sow through the woods and she dropped back and sqautted down and let the dogs run right past her and they stayed on the smaller sow and caught it just a short time later. I could have shot her but I don't like to shoot a hog unless it is bayed or I need the meat. I treid to sneak close enough to get a good picture but she got up and ran off before I could. That sow looked like she knew exactly what she was doing and I bet ya she had done it before. I went to the dogs and dispatched the sow they caught. Paris and my buddies dogs rolled out in two different directions. His dogs went the direction the big sow went but ended up bayed on a boar. I went to paris who I just new was baying me another big boar but she was playing with the little piggies so I caught her up. Dad and them went and killed the other boar but did'nt get the dogs caught, although they eventually got them to come back in while I gathered up the first boar and sow. I did'nt get a picture of the second boar but they said it was about like the other one. (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b364/Waylon8885/1-17-2010hogs.jpg) (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b364/Waylon8885/1-17-2010caughthog.jpg) (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b364/Waylon8885/1-17-2010hogsanddogs.jpg) (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b364/Waylon8885/1-17-2010hunt.jpg) Waylon Title: Re: Holiday hunt Post by: HogzgoneWild on January 18, 2010, 08:15:26 pm Good hogs, sounds like an overall great hunt.
Title: Re: Holiday hunt Post by: Jordan on January 18, 2010, 08:22:18 pm Nice hogs.And good hunt
Title: Re: Holiday hunt Post by: matt_aggie04 on January 18, 2010, 08:24:24 pm Good hunt there Waylon
Title: Re: Holiday hunt Post by: ETHHunters on January 18, 2010, 08:32:04 pm Good hunt looks like a pretty place
Title: Re: Holiday hunt Post by: lilmisshogdogger on January 20, 2010, 02:35:23 pm GOOD HUNT, HOGS, AND PICS!
Title: Re: Holiday hunt Post by: redneckrambo96 on January 20, 2010, 09:42:00 pm good hunt man
Title: Re: Holiday hunt Post by: BoarBuster67 on January 21, 2010, 09:17:44 am nice job waylon