THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: wadepat2 on January 25, 2010, 02:23:04 pm

Post by: wadepat2 on January 25, 2010, 02:23:04 pm
My 8 year old son and I are looking for dog we can hunt hogs with. I need one that can find and bay his own hog. I dont need him to be able to catch since we will be shooting but I guess if you have one that can do all 3 with out getting killed on the first big hog let me know. I would preferone that stays in pretty close. My son and I had our heart set on a finished Jagd but deal didnt work out. We have a kennel built, property to hunt, but no dog. I need a dog that gets along with kids. Maybe Im asking to much but thats what I need.
Dog doesnt need to be PET or a crazy hog hunting machine that will hunt till he dies just a capable  hunting dog that would like to be owned by people that will treat him great.

Were new at this so any advice would also be appreciated. Im Located in South La. but can drive wherever for the right dog .

Title: Re: Want To Buy finished or close to finished Dog ASAP.
Post by: jbadboy on January 25, 2010, 02:28:48 pm
I dont know how much you looking to spend but cody in hemphill is selling out he has a jam up dog for $2000

Title: Re: Want To Buy finished or close to finished Dog ASAP.
Post by: elliscountyhog on January 25, 2010, 02:48:54 pm
Make sure whatever dog you buy has been shot over before, other wise you may loose the dog as soon as the gun goes off.

Sounds like you are looking for these things:

Short-Med Range FINISHED(Trash Broke) Dog
Dog must have been SHOT over in the past
Semi Rough to Rought(Will catch smaller hogs 150lbs)
Able to hunt Alone.

With that said it will save time. ;) Good Luck

Title: Re: Want To Buy finished or close to finished Dog ASAP.
Post by: wadepat2 on January 25, 2010, 03:07:33 pm
I wouldnt mind making the drive to Hemphil but looking to keep price around 800. If thas not enough I may have to just get a pup.

Thanks elliscounty that sounds like what we are looking for.

Title: Re: Want To Buy Hog Dog ASAP.
Post by: scdogman on January 25, 2010, 04:49:15 pm
Hopefully you have hunted with hog dogs before.  If not, you will need to go with guys to decide what type of dog you want and what a good dog is.  Hopefully, I am not insulting you.  I am trying to save you time  and a lot of headaches and money.  Also, always get a trial period on the dog.

PM me if you like to discuss.  I do not have dogs for sale.  Just trying to save you time and money.

Title: Re: Want To Buy Hog Dog ASAP.
Post by: wadepat2 on January 25, 2010, 05:42:36 pm
Thanks scdogman I have only hunted with Beagles but have some guys I can run them with for a trial. Hopefully most guys on this site are true Sportsman and are honest about what dog can do. I guess its always a big chance with a dog. I appreciate the help and Ill PM you with some questions.

Title: Re: Want To Buy Hog Dog ASAP.
Post by: C.Clark@2009 on January 25, 2010, 05:48:41 pm
hey man i got a very good dog will do just what u want but  hunts a little far....any good dog is goin to do that if one hunts close to me aint a true hog dog thats a me too dog a dog that waits around for the other dogs to bark and then me too....lol

Title: Re: Want To Buy Hog Dog ASAP.
Post by: wadepat2 on January 25, 2010, 05:59:51 pm
I guess I may be a little off on the short range. I just dont need a dog that starts hunting a mile away if Im walking behind him. What kind of dog is it C.Clark? How far out does he hunt?

Title: Re: Want To Buy Hog Dog ASAP.
Post by: C.Clark@2009 on January 25, 2010, 07:08:11 pm
its a brindle bmc female dog...i would say she hunts just to be hunting 500-600 yards maybe....

Title: Re: Want To Buy Hog Dog ASAP.
Post by: DOGMAN4795 on January 25, 2010, 07:08:27 pm
pm sent

Title: Re: Want To Buy Hog Dog ASAP.
Post by: mankinb on January 25, 2010, 07:21:07 pm

 I have a cat you may like I will give a trail.

    BILL   254-842-4940

Post by: scdogman on January 27, 2010, 07:25:36 pm
Keep us posted on your progress.