HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Mike on June 15, 2008, 02:05:20 pm

Title: Hey Chris and Mandi...
Post by: Mike on June 15, 2008, 02:05:20 pm
What do y'all think of this horse?


Title: Re: Hey Chris and Mandi...
Post by: Circle C on June 16, 2008, 08:44:14 am
Let begin by saying that I only know what I like in a horse, the next person might like a completely different type of horse.
At first glance, I would say he is put together well enough to get the job done. Full side profile, and front and rear shots would tell the story better.  I like the withers, seems like most breeders are breeding out the withers , and it is a shame. I like the short back.  He could use a better hip. and it looks like he might have a short, thick neck.I prefer a longer, slender neck myself though I seem to hear more people liking thicker necks. I would also like to see his hocks a little closer to the ground.  All in all, I would say based on this picture, he is better equipped as a USING horse than 99% of the confirmation horses you will see at the AQHA world show this year.... His condition also looks great. You should have never given him away... Him and Prince would have made a good set of mounts for you and Angel.

Title: Re: Hey Chris and Mandi...
Post by: sam on June 16, 2008, 09:43:27 pm
hey i think that horse looks alot like the one i have at the house mike ;D

Title: Re: Hey Chris and Mandi...
Post by: Mike on June 16, 2008, 10:00:24 pm
Yep, that's ol' Cowboy. I found that picture this weekend looking through my photo album.

He's a dang good horse... I just spent more time on my Honda while he wasted away in the pasture. :'(

Title: Re: Hey Chris and Mandi...
Post by: aladatrot on June 19, 2008, 03:43:18 pm
You shoulda named him Honda and you would have ridden him more.

My hunting horse tried to remove his hoof at the hair line a couple weeks ago. That bought him some serious stall time, and he is sick of being inside. He is walking on all fours now, but it will still be some time before I can start riding him again. (sigh)

Nice stick, I'm a sucker for bay horses.