Title: I HAVE 4 NEW CATAHOULA PUPS THAT ARE ABOUT 2 WEEKS OLD NOW FOR SALE Post by: hog dogger elite on February 06, 2010, 12:11:17 am these pups are breed from my full blood catahoula. there are 3 oreo colored and one brown brendal. im asking a 100 each. the dad is the best hog dog that i have ever had. he has no quit in him.the mother is catahoula cur mix. these are gonna be great dogs.
Title: Re: I HAVE 4 NEW CATAHOULA PUPS THAT ARE ABOUT 2 WEEKS OLD NOW FOR SALE Post by: catdog on February 06, 2010, 12:46:23 am i am very interested in a brindle cat. do you have any pics. where are you located. :(