Title: Woods dog for pen dog Post by: glassy on February 08, 2010, 09:56:07 am Will trade 65lb grey and white (glass eyes) Lep started on hogs in the woods. Has found her own hog in the woods will honor any bay and is trash broke. Will catch on ear when catch dogs catch. WILL NOT BAY IN PEN. WILL ONLY BARK. Willing to trade for exact opposite. Jonathan 210-857-5852
Title: Re: Woods dog for pen dog Post by: BAYRAT.BROS on February 08, 2010, 10:04:37 am where ya located
Title: Re: Woods dog for pen dog Post by: glassy on February 08, 2010, 10:36:38 am S. of San Antonio. I also have a registered 14 mo old blue gyp with one glass eye. Good build. Smaller dog but has a really nice frame. Not started. Papers in hand willing to throw in if it is a good started dog.
Title: Re: Woods dog for pen dog Post by: B4hogdogs on February 10, 2010, 08:16:36 am Do you have any catch dogs?
Title: Re: Woods dog for pen dog Post by: stexashd on February 10, 2010, 03:05:50 pm I have a walker mix that all he does is bay in a pen. I did hunt him but he is open, but havent in a year he just a pen dog now. I have him on tabe in a bay pen or i am going to the real mccoy bay off on the 20th with him My number is 210 845 7781 dustin
Title: Re: Woods dog for pen dog Post by: dennyboy on February 11, 2010, 03:58:03 am im looking for some gritty help dogs, what are you willing to sell the dog for...?