HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: hillbilly on February 10, 2010, 10:53:50 am

Title: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: hillbilly on February 10, 2010, 10:53:50 am
Fixin to get a garmin and need to know if it comes with map or do i need to buy it or can i download it off the internet? Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: Circle C on February 10, 2010, 10:55:07 am
It comes with a basic map. You can purchase an upgraded topo map, or download one from the web. You will need a microsd card to put the map files on. Then the microsd goes into a slot behind the batteries.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: hillbilly on February 10, 2010, 11:00:02 am
does the one that comes on it show the roads and such?

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: JDJP on February 10, 2010, 04:49:46 pm
it shows main hwys, but there is not much detail. it doesn't show small canals creeks or rivers

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: lilmisshogdogger on February 11, 2010, 08:22:45 am

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: Cajunjag on February 11, 2010, 08:46:14 am
I got the Mapsource download and it is incredible. Even shows some private roads that are not on any map.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: hillbilly on February 14, 2010, 04:56:11 pm

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: scdogman on February 14, 2010, 07:55:24 pm
There is a guy in Arkansas that will load up to 8 states on a Micro SD that fits into the Garmin.  It showed all the little creeks and cuts in the marsh in South Carolina and all the small roads in TX.  The cost was about 25 dollars.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: scdogman on February 15, 2010, 04:55:49 pm

Above is a link to the guy selling the micro cards. 

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: GCPS on February 17, 2010, 09:22:37 am
You can buy an SD card that has the entire US topo maps on it from us, we are an authorized Garmin dealer and you don't need to worry about "uploading" it you just put the SD card right into your 220.


Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: scdogman on February 19, 2010, 07:25:03 am

His prices is 25 dollars for a loaded micro-SD with 8 states.  What is the price of the micro-SD and how many states?

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: GCPS on February 19, 2010, 08:35:14 am
That's not an authorized Garmin card, sounds like he is just copying states from a card he already has, and putting them on another sd card - which is illegal.  It's copyright infringement.  Our cards are from Garmin, include ALL US states, Hawaii , and PR.... and we are an authorized Garmin dealer selling an authorized GARMIN card.  So if his card screws up your 220 and they find out you used some rip off card, you just voided your warranty.   :-\  Doesn't sound so great for $25 bucks now, does it.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: Circle C on February 19, 2010, 08:40:34 am

       I agree with you on the fact that it is likely a copied card. What I don't understand is how a card, copied from Garmin files can screw up an Astro 220?  Have you ever seen or heard of that happening? 

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: GCPS on February 19, 2010, 09:02:12 am
I don't know what is "on" the card, if it could screw up the mapsource or waypoints, if it contained an unknown virus - but anything not authorized from Garmin does indeed void the warranty.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: slimpickins on February 19, 2010, 09:08:01 am
Good information. I was thinking like a tuner/programmer on a truck, not standard so it can void the warranty.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: GCPS on February 19, 2010, 09:11:23 am
By the way, you won't find anyone else that has these right now - they are a special order item from Garmin, they take about 6 weeks to arrive.  Most people only sell the DVD, which you then have to put on your computer, and upload it to an SD card - we ordered the actual SD card, already preloaded from Garmin - we expect them in about 3 weeks.  They are a Garmin item, shipped to us from Garmin, loaded from Garmin and under warranty from Garmin.  We only ordered 20 of them, and 5 are already sold - like I said, it is a 3 week waiting time, but is a topo MAP of the entire US.  We are selling them for $89.95 with free shipping.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: Circle C on February 19, 2010, 09:20:07 am
I was just wondering.  I have probably a half dozen map cards that I have made (personal data backups ;D )  They are made using Garmin software, and used in a Garmin Astro. I have had one unit sent back to Garmin and there was no discussion about the map card, or it's source.


   Think of it more like this...   Burn a copy of an audio CD, then go play it in a buddies truck. It's not distribution, because you own the original, and you are there using the copy of the original, you are not distributing anything. Have you ever heard of a copied CD damaging/ or voiding the warranty on a CD player? Me either.....

   The map card does not change any parameters within the Garmin unit, like a truck tuner does.  It just provides a datasource for the map program. I understand why a truck tuner voids the warranty...especially when Dodge voided the warranty on my silver dually... I don't understand Garmin's position on the matter, it's more like an audio CD than a truck tuner.

I will continue to take my chances, as I see their policy as an empty threat.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: Bryant on February 19, 2010, 09:21:35 am
The DVD is much better than buying the card in my opinion but you have to be a little more computer savvy to use it.  If all you ever intend to do is view the maps on the handheld unit while hunting, then the card is far easier to install and definately the way to go.

If you would like the ability to view your hunts and collar tracks on the computer once a hunt is complete, you will need the DVD.

The maps are transferable from the DVD to the Astro unit, but if buy the pre-loaded card they are not transferable from the card back to the computer.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: GCPS on February 19, 2010, 09:25:05 am
We have the DVD as well but like you stated, some people are not computer savvy, so if that is the case the SD card is the way to go.  Most guys I know are not viewing the maps on there computer - they want it for the 220 while on the go - it makes it much easier, but we do have the Garmin DVD as well - again price matching available with shipping total price for any other authorized dealer selling them.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: slimpickins on February 19, 2010, 09:27:20 am
Makes sense. ;D

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: scdogman on February 24, 2010, 08:44:49 am
Missed the replies.  I have used my card for almost a year without any problems.

I can't be sure this guy is doing anything illegal.  There are people out there that can make their own maps.  I downloaded some programs and had some guys try to talk me through the process.  I just didnt have the time to learn.  But there are guys with the ability to pull data from public information and make detailed maps.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: GCPS on February 24, 2010, 08:58:40 am
If they are buying Garmin cards, making copies and reselling them - yes, that is illegal.  Think of it similar to even the Napster issues that happened online before Itunes came around.  National news - People were buying music cd's and "sharing", not even charging or selling them, just sharing for free online - it's copyright infringement, you can't buy a piece of software, copy it and resell it yourself, or give it away.  Just like you can't buy a microsoft windows 7 disk, use it on your computer and resell it. 

It would be great idea as nobody would ever need to buy anything again, but it's just not legal.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: scdogman on February 25, 2010, 08:15:38 am
I just can't be sure he is copying the bought maps.  AGAIN  some people have the programs and resources to make
their own maps.  I myself downloaded the programs and was in the process of making my own maps.

Dogman out.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: GCPS on February 25, 2010, 08:24:19 am
Yes, but this was in reference to this post:

"There is a guy in Arkansas that will load up to 8 states on a Micro SD that fits into the Garmin.  It showed all the little creeks and cuts in the marsh in South Carolina and all the small roads in TX.  The cost was about 25 dollars. "

That means this guy has the software, or some type of software and he is loading states for people and charging... that would be the illegal part.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: willowsprings on February 25, 2010, 07:41:13 pm
Gramin is the why to go. Where i hunt we have no cell phone servce and still pick up old  road county road and small creeks

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: BigAinaBuilt on February 25, 2010, 07:57:25 pm
I don't own a Garmin yet but would love to soon but from what I have heard is that by getting your own DVD you then get the upgrades through your computer?? Any truth to this or ........??

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: scdogman on February 27, 2010, 05:58:28 am
Why does load mean copy or steal.  Each state and counties maps that are free to public to use and download and make overlays out off if they feel.

But take it however you want.

Dogman out.

Title: Re: Need advice on Garmin
Post by: leonidas on April 11, 2011, 04:13:31 pm
Its call fear mongering. LOL virus ? Not to say it couldn't happen....but Virus's go after credit card info SSN's and such...


       I agree with you on the fact that it is likely a copied card. What I don't understand is how a card, copied from Garmin files can screw up an Astro 220?  Have you ever seen or heard of that happening?