HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: BobbyB on February 10, 2010, 06:20:29 pm

Title: A almost hog story?
Post by: BobbyB on February 10, 2010, 06:20:29 pm
I have a coming 9 month old YBMC that I got from JLH here. He has never seen a hog, but we have exposed him to as much of the wolr as we could.

Zach had been hauling him to a  property we have permission to trap, and shoot hogs on,( Just not big enough to seriously try dogging) when he checks the trap or feeds a little corn around the tanks. Blade has bee trailing around and up and down the trails the hogs are traveling showing a lot of interest in the hog scent in general.

This evening, Zcah went to make his round and took Blade with him. They got there and Zach was scattering some corn and Blade trailed off a ways and opened up in a Oak Mott. Zach said Blade was baying his ass off, so he took off to see what he had found. As he got closer he could see Blade and something fairly big and black backed into the bushes. Zach is thinking hog, Blade is acting hog, Zach eases up closer trying to figure his next move, when he gets close enough to see it is a big black calf! rolleyes

So,no hog, but he had his blood pumping. Not a big hog story but a hog dog wannabe story anyway. ;D

Title: Re: A almost hog story?
Post by: HogzgoneWild on February 10, 2010, 08:08:55 pm
 ;) Those stories are good to sometimes, hey he's showing the desire thats not a bad start!