GENERAL CATEGORY => HUNTING AND FISHING => Topic started by: 777 on February 18, 2010, 02:08:22 pm

Title: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: 777 on February 18, 2010, 02:08:22 pm
Looking for some plans on how to build a hog trap on a trailer. I have a 4x10 trailer. Just dont know how to make a ramp or the door way for them to get in since it sets off the ground.
Any pics or ideals please..........

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: Critter Catcher on February 18, 2010, 02:28:22 pm
a trap on a raised trailer ??? I not sure you will get many hogs to enter a raised trailer much less walk a ramp to get to the door. All the traps on trailers I have seen the wheeler folder out from under the trailer some way to where the trailer rest on the ground...If it works let us all know...

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: wcg89 on February 18, 2010, 09:21:36 pm
get you an old squeeze shute that drops to the ground

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: Skrag on February 18, 2010, 10:07:43 pm
A friend and I built one that is just a good solid trap with a tongue and wheels on the top of it.[when in the set to catch hogs mode]
We just pull it around where we are hunting and flip it over when we find a spot we want to set it, tho not really built for hwy towing im sure it could be with minor additions. Hope it helps you or just gives you some ideas.  ;)

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: RL on March 05, 2010, 02:09:19 pm
I misread the request.  Sorry about that.

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: Critter Catcher on March 05, 2010, 02:36:41 pm
RL this is what he said "Looking for some plans on how to build a hog trap on a trailer", not a getter. I get the hogs to walk a ramp out of a trailer all day with a cattle prod. He wants a trap built on a trailer to set and catch hogs on the trailer....

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: RL on March 05, 2010, 02:40:20 pm
Critter.  I misread his request.  You are correct.  

Further, I haven't seen a trap that made them go up a ramp to catch them.  Seems like that would be one more impediment to success.

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: wcg89 on March 05, 2010, 02:42:31 pm
my cousin has a trap on a raised trailer and catches tons of pigs...he digs holes for the tires to drop into so its even with the ground ;D   

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: 2dumbdogs on March 16, 2010, 09:18:12 pm
ya dig a hole where the trailer will line up with the ground a buddy did it but his 2wd ranger was not big enought to pull it out

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: wcoutdoors on April 18, 2010, 10:20:47 am
allseasons feeders out of San Antonio makes one and I have seen several that people copy.  It actually lowers down so you can trap, a neat rig, check them out.

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: Spencer on April 19, 2010, 04:27:26 pm
You could take the Idea of the older style Paul Scales with the wheels that raised and lowered with the hand winch. I have thought about doing this, but don't have the time to make it happen.

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: bignasty on April 20, 2010, 09:10:56 pm
dig one hole roll trailer on its side and put the wheel in the hole -now the side is the bottom...when hog is caught flop it over and tow :)

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: Peachcreek on April 21, 2010, 12:26:22 am
I just got a cheap harbor frieght trailer and welded hog panels and saloon style doors on the end drag it in and flip it over it only weighs about 150-200lbs my fourwheeler pulls it good. the hogs dont like it to much when ya flip the trap over..lol  >:D  I caught 4  in it one time and had to use the 4wheeler to flip the trailer over. the saloon doors only open to the inside of the trap and I sping loaded them with a couple bunggie cords. once ya catch one the others can still push their way in. The trailer is a 5.5x8' deck.

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: zachW on June 13, 2010, 04:15:15 pm
All the gansters i see can make there cars and trucks drop to the ground,  seems like we could figure out how to het a trailer to do it too... lol

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: TieEmUpOrLeaveEm on June 14, 2010, 09:35:44 pm
Build the trap how you would like then get you a boat trailer that tilts build skid ramps to match your trap. Back up to trap, tilt trailor then winch up and hual where ever ;)

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: charles on June 15, 2010, 02:29:36 pm
 how about building the trap and put it on the trailer to get it where u want to use it and then set it up and u still hav the trailer. i built a trap and welded steel round rod and a washer to the rod and welded them both to the trap. i bought a pair of solid non-pneumatic tires and drilled a hole in the rod and put a pin in it to keep the tires on the rod. when i move it i put it on the trailer, tote if to where i want to set it up and then unload it and roll it where i need it and then pull the tires off to allow it to set on the ground.

Title: Re: Hog trapping trailer
Post by: saltflats on July 14, 2010, 02:05:59 pm
5 x 8 trailer, frame out and put 4 x 4 panel, split down the middle with ply wood slide, on the back left side build a fold down chute(hinged at the top of the trailer and chute).  while driving the chute is on top of the trailer, when you get ready to load flip down the chute back to your trap door run the hog in.  If you have another trap to check you open your slide and run the hog to the other side and load the next hog.  A buddie had one several years ago, don't have photo, but it worked great.