Title: Looking for a dog that is ready to start....... Post by: wesley mcgee on February 19, 2010, 11:05:23 pm I'm looking for one that is ready to start .. bmc, cat , or a hound cross what do you have ? thanks.......
Title: Re: Looking for a dog that is ready to start....... Post by: BAYRAT.BROS on February 19, 2010, 11:51:30 pm got a 3/4 bmc 1/4 pit female a yearold ready to start $100
Title: Re: Looking for a dog that is ready to start....... Post by: tonyamm30 on February 20, 2010, 01:35:59 pm i got a ybm gyp, dad was damn good find and would catch if hogs to small/, mom is good bay, wont catch but will put her mouth on a hog to stop 'em. she is 7-8 months old, stone/yellow, ridge back from 4th greneration grandpa. good temperment, easy catch, working with her now to ride the 4 wheeler. she has never been seperated from her litter mates, they have worked a hog as a group but, she will get in there and bay her butt off. There were 6 pups in the litter and we r keeping 2 gyps and 2 males to keep our blood line going. We r not getting rid of the "Cull" pups, as they are all equally good. This is the last of this blood line for us cause we lost the dad 3 weeks ago to psuedo rabies. Asking 200.oo will take offers for trade.
Title: Re: Looking for a dog that is ready to start....... Post by: M Bennet on February 20, 2010, 02:28:50 pm i have a nice big 11 month old ridgeback/cata, ben in baypen 3 times, we care him around wen we check traps to catch pigs on out side of trap call me for pic 940 210 1762 asking 250