HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: sfboarbuster on February 28, 2010, 10:28:14 am

Title: Texas Farmground
Post by: sfboarbuster on February 28, 2010, 10:28:14 am
My dad is looking to buy some ground up in Dalhart, Does anyone know anything about that area as far as prices go?
The piece we are looking at is 480 acres for 1,300 an acre, 3 1/4 mile pivots and yields 190+ bushels of corn an acre.
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
But were not really sure about ground in tx, most of our land in in illinois, iowa, and missouri.

Also is there any hogs in that part of TX, in case I ever want to take a visit up there? ;)

Title: Re: Texas Farmground
Post by: bigo on February 28, 2010, 01:09:13 pm
The only thing between Dalhart and the North Pole is a barbed wire fence.

Title: Re: Texas Farmground
Post by: lonewolf on February 28, 2010, 04:38:36 pm
I have a freind in Dalhart, Tx! I can't find his number, his name is Paul Peoples, his family owns P bar P trucking in Dalhart. He could tell you what you need to know. If you talk to him tell him John Davis in Oklahoma told you to call.

Title: Re: Texas Farmground
Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on February 28, 2010, 05:49:55 pm
Questions I would have, how good is the water and how deep, pumping costs to get that corn crop, pivot condition......and remember the dirt in this country doesn't look anything like it does in Iowa. Yes there are some hogs in that country. And as BigO said it is near the north pole.

Title: Re: Texas Farmground
Post by: sfboarbuster on February 28, 2010, 06:36:13 pm
Questions I would have, how good is the water and how deep, pumping costs to get that corn crop, pivot condition......and remember the dirt in this country doesn't look anything like it does in Iowa. Yes there are some hogs in that country. And as BigO said it is near the north pole.

Thanks Paul,
I know there aint a thing out there, like Rodney Carrington said "There aint a tree, ain't a bush, but theres a f ing tractor though" ;D
Me and my dad went out to southeast colorado a few years back buying some crp ground. Better not let your fuel tank get too low out there.

Paul, you ever heard the last name Kitten out there around Lubbock? I believe they were cotton farmers. They are some of my kin.