Title: pigman...the series Post by: goose on March 01, 2010, 11:32:45 am man how long has this show been running...came in from hunting last nite and was uploading pics to computer...linkylanky txtd me and told me it was on...recording every episode on tivo now ;D....is it all dogs on hogs or other types of hunting as well
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: country man 563 on March 01, 2010, 11:35:46 am what chanel does it cum on??
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: elliscountyhog on March 01, 2010, 11:39:36 am Pigman is a great show i like it, Y they didnt choose me to do the show i dont know rolleyes ;) ;D. But i like the show, it is moslty just shooting hogs but did have a recent episode of doggin, though it didnt seem very preductive it was good for the sport ;D. Oh and i sent mine to DVR and it records EVERY show not just the new ones
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: goose on March 01, 2010, 11:51:19 am yea ellis county thats what i did...saved it to my direct tv dvr...and countryman i know on my direct tv its comes channel 605 the sportsman network i believe
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: Kayo-K on March 01, 2010, 11:59:16 am Dish Network is channel 285
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: LINKY LANKY on March 01, 2010, 12:19:39 pm i told ya goose its an alsome show...did you c his tri-pod dog..... ;D ;D
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: Kayo-K on March 01, 2010, 12:43:56 pm i told ya goose its an alsome show...did you c his tri-pod dog..... ;D ;D I'm friends with Clinton and Larry and have been to that property many times. Tri-Pod is not the dogs real name, the camera crew named her that when they showed up. This was filmed just over a month ago. Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: elliscountyhog on March 01, 2010, 12:53:12 pm I figured that was a given name to the dog... ;D That place seemed like it had been hunted hard they were doing some serious chasing ;)
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: goose on March 01, 2010, 12:55:12 pm kayo-k wat happened to the dogs leg
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: Cajunjag on March 01, 2010, 01:27:01 pm I have been recording it for about 2 months now. It was a good episode on the dogs, and they never did say what happened for "Tri-pod" to become 3 legged. They did a good job on the episode for the dogs, nothing graphic, caught some pigs, but had some runners.
The other episodes I have watched are, in my opinion, not that good. Seems to me they are making this guy out to be a "redneck guru" and they try too hard to put drama into the hunts. Sitting in a stand at a corn feeder shooting hogs is not that big of a deal, my 10 year old does it all the time. Like I said, that's just my opinion! Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: Kayo-K on March 01, 2010, 02:14:03 pm kayo-k wat happened to the dogs leg Her name is Baby Dee and a hog caught her bad enough it had to be taken off. Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: raider54 on March 01, 2010, 09:26:12 pm I have been recording it for about 2 months now. It was a good episode on the dogs, and they never did say what happened for "Tri-pod" to become 3 legged. They did a good job on the episode for the dogs, nothing graphic, caught some pigs, but had some runners. The other episodes I have watched are, in my opinion, not that good. Seems to me they are making this guy out to be a "redneck guru" and they try too hard to put drama into the hunts. Sitting in a stand at a corn feeder shooting hogs is not that big of a deal, my 10 year old does it all the time. Like I said, that's just my opinion! I felt the same way, the guy seems real cheezy to me. Ive watched it three or four times and just cant take it anymore. I think he should go HEAD TO HEAD with littlemisshogdogger! My money is on Samantha ;D Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: blenox on March 01, 2010, 10:05:11 pm I was on the show. That place that we hunted had been hunted scince people started doggin hogs in this part of the country..... As you all saw they were sum runnin S.O.B.'s.... That three legged dogs name in Honey she got a tendon cut a few years ago and it never healed so they had to take it off.
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: elliscountyhog on March 02, 2010, 08:31:50 am Was them cur dogs the ones that were runnin wide open on track? Or did yall have a hound? They were some good looking dogs but when i heard the dogs opening on track i thought were is the hound.. ;)
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: blenox on March 02, 2010, 01:28:20 pm We dont hunt hounds. For the most part our dogs dont say nothing on track... maby a babble ever now and then. But they did do some sound editing in the show that may have sounded like they open.... I dont know if you have ever took people on a hunt when they tried to make a show outta it but it in not the easiest thing to video
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: elliscountyhog on March 03, 2010, 08:46:42 am I know what you mean ;)
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: KR-OLD MEXICO on November 18, 2010, 12:40:14 pm Just found this thread. As Byron said the 3 legged dogs name is Honey and a hog cut her tenton. None of our dogs open up on a track that was done in the editing studio for some reason. Its not real easy getting all this on tape like you want it to and we had to be careful for the national audience. There will be a lot more dogging shows coming this spring and we are gonna try and show as much as we can! Thanks for watching.
Keith Rand Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: MAV on November 18, 2010, 02:12:52 pm keep them comming i like watching it
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: cujo72 on November 18, 2010, 03:24:52 pm On the los cazadores episode Keith Rand called that tripod dog BY NAME AND IT WAS HONEY! I bet he is right.
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: KR-OLD MEXICO on November 18, 2010, 03:36:20 pm i told ya goose its an alsome show...did you c his tri-pod dog..... ;D ;D I'm friends with Clinton and Larry and have been to that property many times. Tri-Pod is not the dogs real name, the camera crew named her that when they showed up. This was filmed just over a month ago. Who is Larry??? What property are you talking about??? Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: BIG BEN on November 18, 2010, 03:53:47 pm All I can say about the guy is that he is not the type of company Id keep around me, I wish his Dad would back hand the crap out of him for the way he talks to him, I know mine would.
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: dabutcher on November 18, 2010, 10:53:39 pm this is small thing but...... it baffled me when they kept calling javelinas "pigs".......
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: BULLMASTER on November 20, 2010, 09:24:57 am That dude is a trick!I would like to take him hunting with me one time.
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: KR-OLD MEXICO on November 21, 2010, 02:28:20 pm We'll go whenever you're ready. Just figure a time and place this spring and you can show him how its done!
Keith Rand Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: BobbyB on November 21, 2010, 02:42:25 pm I like the show. Zach and I watch it every episode. I laugh at the whole bunch at times and I feel it as as good as any and better than most. It is the only one I watch regularly.
Title: Re: pigman...the series Post by: KR-OLD MEXICO on November 21, 2010, 04:09:41 pm Thanks brother, more good stuff to come.