Title: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: moffittcatahoulas on March 02, 2010, 01:06:16 pm 2010 Spring Break Reunion (http://www.fortbayouranch.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=events&thread=589)
First off this is by no means an attempt to replace Uncle Earls for it is the cornerstone of our sport. This is only an option for people that have already taken vacation and want to bay hogs and fellowship with others. If , by any means, Uncle Earls is rescheduled for this timeframe this baying will be cancelled immediately. Fort Bayou Ranch supports Uncle Earls 100% and is confident that Uncle Earls will return asap and be stonger than ever. Title: Re: 2010 Spring Break Reunion Post by: bparkerson on March 02, 2010, 04:29:39 pm Put thr hair in the air
Title: Re: 2010 Spring Break Reunion Post by: Spencer on March 02, 2010, 05:05:29 pm Put thr hair in the air Man Bo, I cant believe your gonna make it. I Thought you were going on an eating binge until you explode! LOL J/K I wish that we could make it, sounds like to be alot of fun! Good luck to yall! Title: Re: 2010 Spring Break Reunion Post by: moffittcatahoulas on March 02, 2010, 06:13:49 pm 2010 Spring Break Reunion bay flyer (http://www.fortbayouranch.com/photos/2010.Reunion.Bay.doc)
Title: Re: 2010 Spring Break Reunion Post by: bparkerson on March 03, 2010, 07:10:43 am Yeah, I cahnged my mind again. I'm going back to the hungar strike. Maybe I can make it past 4 hrs this time
Title: Re: 2010 Spring Break Reunion Post by: kaycee on March 03, 2010, 08:49:38 am You need to change it from a hunger strike to a beer drinking strike, everytime you think about it drink a beer....
Title: Re: 2010 Spring Break Reunion Post by: bparkerson on March 03, 2010, 11:51:07 am Thats a good idea. I'm not hardly ever hungrey when drinking a cold beer. I talked to Reggie he continues to get alot of calls. We should a pretty good turn to get through till Earl's gets back online.
Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: Baypenbubba on March 06, 2010, 09:45:12 am Well the response to the Reunion Bay has been unbeliveable our motel has already booked over 40 rooms not counting all the RVs and campers coming. All of Georgia and Florida are coming this way and even Delbert Bishop from west Texas has made reservations. also Joe Hinds is having a bay 14 miles south of winnfield on the 27th for the winn parrish community. The most important thing is go some where and help keep our sport united, join in a unified front to support Uncle Earls and Bayed solid that they might return next year bigger than ever. Folks I cant stress enough how important Uncle Earls and the city of Winnfield is to the Bay Pen world and the sport of hog hunting in general, where else does a entire city state and local officals and most of the community and citizens stand behind what we do. also to continue Earls without bayed solid magazine would be like Sonny without Cher or Brooks without Dunn it just wouldnt be right. I personaly Know each person involved in this controversy and respect and consider each one of them my friend. My God its like a family being torn apart . the only resolution to this lies in prayer and a lot of it
Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: Trojack on March 15, 2010, 11:10:33 pm Looks like y'all will have a big turnout from central Texas had about twenty people with about fifty dogs practicing over hear Saturday they all were figuring out what they were going to run in Mississippi all that preparation and I can't even make it because we have county fair that weekend but I think centex wiil be represented well without me heck I might even send a pile of BONES with someone to bay for me.
Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: bparkerson on March 16, 2010, 08:54:45 am I can't wait to see all my friends from Texas and meet some more, I hear there is going to be plenty of Crawfish and barbecueing going on here. The is a nasty rumor that something a little more evil and salty is also on the way from Texas >:D We will have a fresh shipment of Pappy Reggie's red salve and penicillian on hand for all victims(canine or human). I am saving a fresh case for myself.
Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: Texboar on March 16, 2010, 09:00:37 am Save me a case of that salve.
Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: moffittcatahoulas on March 16, 2010, 01:10:00 pm I hear there is going to be plenty of Crawfish and barbecueing going on here. beau must not be cooking! :P :laugh: Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: bparkerson on March 16, 2010, 01:46:30 pm I cooking for all states except Arkansas :-*
Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: Baypenbubba on March 16, 2010, 08:24:17 pm AS OF YESTERDAY THE SUPER 8 MOTEL ONLY HAD 38 OUT OF 94 ROOMS LEFT SO IF YOU HAVENT BOOKED YET DO SO NOW $59.00 RATE WITH HOG BAY 228-875-2288. Also all of the winners in each event will recive a hand carved one of a kind cypress knee trophy and there will be certificates for top 10 in all events. So far we have been contacted by T&T dog Box'es,War paint Kennel,Ugly Dog,R&R Supply ,Xtreme outdoors, Show and Go, Success,Bay Head,SportsmanFabrication,Diamond Dog Food,Buxton World famous BBQ, Marias Italian Cusine,Torontoes Seafood. We expect our normal crowd of 650 to 750 spectaters to over double. our whole community is a buzz with excitement at having the oppertunity to welcome all the bay doggers. Also dont for get our yearly hi point youth prize that is over 3000.00 to be payed out 100% and our 1500.00 in cash for hi point kennel at the end of the year. there are trophy buckles for hi point and NATIONAL BEST OF BEST At REUNION BAY. we have over 60 good strong hogs and some of the finest men and women from 6 diff states coming to Judge.
Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: bparkerson on March 18, 2010, 11:39:51 pm Ya'll better get here and get your spot the campers are moving in already :o
See ya'll Wednesday Title: Re: 2010 FBR Spring Break Reunion Post by: Baypenbubba on March 23, 2010, 11:29:10 pm please if you are bringing a camper all we have left are self contained RV spots so bring a generator if you can turn out is already huge.