Title: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: Boar Collector on July 09, 2008, 01:26:02 pm I have a real pretty pup for sale. He will be 3 months this Thursday.
He has had two sets of parvo shots. He is 3/4 Leopard Catahoula 1/4 Plott Hound. He is a saddleback dog. His back is solid black and his legs are red brindle with a red brindle mask. I will try and get pics up tomorrow. Both parents hunt great. Dad was a good leopard dog and the mom was a real rangy 1/2 leopard 1/2 plott dog. Will sell for 150$ if you pick him up. I live 30 miles west of Stephenville. Thanks Blaine 254-734-5344 Duke (http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj291/rushcreekpoultryfarm/MyPictures005-1.jpg) Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: Boar Collector on July 09, 2008, 10:45:56 pm I guess yall want pics then huh?? lol
I couldnt get the camera to work today but Ill try it again tomorrow. Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: elliscountyhog on July 10, 2008, 01:59:32 pm If it were closer i would buy!! I like them plott and cur x. ;D but would still like to see pic. I am thinkin of breeding my 1/2 cat 1/2 plott to my cat.
Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: Boar Collector on July 10, 2008, 04:44:58 pm I had to go get a dog today in Utopia Texas so Ive been gone all day but yea
maybe one day Ill get these pics up lol. Didnt you say you have a place by Dublin to hunt? Im like 20 miles from dublin. Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: elliscountyhog on July 11, 2008, 08:21:00 am Yea we are working on it, i havnt hunted yet and i am going through a friend so u know how that goes! ;). But i do have a deer lease in hamilton that i need to get too soon ;) ;D
Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: Boar Collector on July 19, 2008, 09:04:42 pm Finally got a picture up lol
I couldnt get my usb to work so I figured out I could just stick my memory card in the printer lol.. :D Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: kallus on July 29, 2008, 12:13:13 pm hey is this dog still up for sale
Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: cracker on July 29, 2008, 12:54:13 pm DO YOU STILL HAVE THIS DOG WHATS THE PRICE
Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: Boar Collector on July 29, 2008, 09:00:34 pm I still have him.. Call me for details..
254-734-5344 Title: Re: Catahoula x Plott Pup for sale Post by: kallus on July 31, 2008, 12:21:44 pm i want buy this dog if you could hold it for me till some time next week that would be great if you still have him. i have to get a kennel from home this wknd to haul him in my car. and how old is he now.