Title: Lucky Week Post by: razorbackwelder on March 04, 2010, 12:51:05 am Monday, I drove half the day and all night to meet a guy to buy a catch dog. I picked this one out in an ad that was six words Female Reg APBT Money Back Guarantee. I text the guy to see if he still had her and he did. I talked to him for a while and realized his description was matching my dream catch dog. He sold her for an even hundred dollars. I know somethin sounds fishy right. But i took a chance cause i had a gut feelin. Man when i got to her she was all that and more. The hogdog gods smiled down on me thats for sure. So im excited about huntin again after a disappointing show of my very first catch dog last week. He just didnt have it in him. Great lookin well behaved animal just no drived to put his teeth on em.
Now comes the good part. Im the proud papa of thirteen potential straight-up hog dogs. They came out of my first hog dog Bell tonight. She is a short range to medium range bmc/catahoula cross that has a nose and a half and hates a hog. The Sire is a Silent on Track English Hound that gets it done. (once in a lifetime type of dog). Speacial thanks to my huntin partner for hooking me up with ole Sparky. I felt very lucky to get to match these to dogs up in the first place. What a ride. She started at six and ended at midnight. Just like a princess should. LoL Pic coming soon Title: Re: Lucky Week Post by: gut_buster on March 04, 2010, 01:04:46 am good job