Title: NKC Registered American Bulldog GYP (PICS) MAKE AN OFFER!!! Post by: BIG BEN on March 07, 2010, 03:51:56 pm (http://i914.photobucket.com/albums/ac350/buckhunter1983/Maddy/Maddy2-2.jpg)
(http://i914.photobucket.com/albums/ac350/buckhunter1983/Maddy/Maddy2-4.jpg) (http://i914.photobucket.com/albums/ac350/buckhunter1983/Maddy/Maddy2-1.jpg) This is Maddy, 80-85 lbs, NKC registered AB Born June 27 2008 so she is almost 20 months old. Both parents come from hog dog lines and the sire is a great catch dog. She is completely potty trained and a great indoor dog. She has absolutley no dog or people agression, and is great with kids. I got her for hog hunting but the wife and kids fell in love with her so I never started her, Its not too late to start her either. With a new baby in the house we just dont have the room for a 85lb house dog. I am looking to either trade her for a tracking system or Cash offers Or a dog finding its own hogs. The dog is located in Poynor tx between Athens and Frankston. Can meet if distance is reasonable. PM me or call 903 876 7313 |