HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: TX HOG on March 14, 2010, 09:06:23 pm

Title: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: TX HOG on March 14, 2010, 09:06:23 pm
i have a catahoula about 2.5 - 3 years old. she was doin really good before deer season then she got kennel cough and got bred. i got rid of the pups the day she had them. its been a couple months since she had the pups. she isnt hunting out as far or as hard and not finding many hogs as she used to. she will go out and hunt really good sometimes but not consistantly. shes turning into an ankle biter >:(. ..... anyone ever had this problem before and fixed it?

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: Piglywigly on March 14, 2010, 09:35:37 pm
Usually for me, when I put a dog like that in with my dogs (eight), he or she will socialize and they start to come around. I think it's important to exercise a dog as well. Most dogs I've personally seen that have weird issues like that, they've had some kind of dramatic experience OR spend a lot of time by themselves. Give her some love, and spend some time with her. Run the crap out of her behind your wheeler and hunt her with a lead dog. Maybe this will help you. Good luck.

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: TX HOG on March 14, 2010, 09:57:47 pm
she isnt a new dog, she is hunting with the same dogs she always has

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: rodeoman67 on March 14, 2010, 10:08:45 pm
I had a dog do that once. When i got the dog she had been hunted but the made a brood gyp for a year after two weeks of owing her i took her hunting and mad let me tell you she was a ball of fier she was striking hog the hole nine. Then one day she just quite and became a help dog i tried every thing in the world and nothing seem to bring her back. Ended up selling her to another guy as just a help dog and shes his main strike dog.The only thing that i could think of was when she was hunting her but off she more or less became my main dog and i bout the time she quite was when i got a strike dog that she could not match. Mabe some dogs just like to lead and not follow. jmo bryce

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: hillbilly on March 15, 2010, 09:50:46 am
seen it before in all types of dogs. how long ago did she have the pups? maybe give her some antibiotics and some good vitamins. the ones i seen usually come around if you stick with them and keep hunting them.

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: Cajunjag on March 15, 2010, 09:57:18 am
I have heard of dogs having post-partumn issues after a litter, but have never seen it first hand. May be a issue of hormones and not nursing after delivery. Maybe talk to a vet and see if they have insight.

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: ppc dogos on March 15, 2010, 11:12:49 am
A female builds up a lot of hormones toget ready to raise a litter and they were taken away from her, which is tough for a female with good instincts, you easily mess up a female doing that. I have seen similar things before. They are not the same after for a long time homonally and some would even say emotionally.

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: TX HOG on March 15, 2010, 11:55:16 pm
A female builds up a lot of hormones toget ready to raise a litter and they were taken away from her, which is tough for a female with good instincts, you easily mess up a female doing that. I have seen similar things before. They are not the same after for a long time homonally and some would even say emotionally.

i would have to agree with the emotionally part. she was very sad looking and whined a lot for about a week after the pups were gone.

she actually did pretty good today. she winded hogs 3 times from the rhino but only wanted to hunt if she smelled something. other than that she stayed close

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: make-em-squeel on March 16, 2010, 12:32:14 pm
Hormones and Bitches! If you figure that out you can figure out anything!  ;D Taking those pups away (just having pups) defiantly affects there hormones and hormones effect EVERYTHING from mood and drive and depression to you name it.
Working them out does help stabilize the endocrine system wich controlls hormone levels. (especially sprinting for hgh and testosterone) If you have the patiance it will probably correct itself.  ;) If not breed her again and let her raise the pups before you knock em in the head and that will balance them out.

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: TX HOG on March 16, 2010, 09:20:58 pm
thanks. i wish i knew this hormone stuff before. i took someones advice and got rid of them asap rolleyes

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: ppc dogos on March 17, 2010, 09:00:43 am
I would never recommend to cull the whole litter, leave a couple with the mum always, or inject the female to abort in early stage of pregnancy instead.

Title: Re: dog isnt as good as she used to be???
Post by: TX HOG on March 17, 2010, 05:53:21 pm
would getting her fixed right now be a good idea or should i wait until she gets goin good again. she is comming in heat again and i really need to hunt her.