Title: Happy Birthday To Me! Post by: RLP314 on March 15, 2010, 10:25:48 am Last weekend I took my oldest to baseball practice which is pretty close to an area that I know there to be a bunch of pigs. In passing I asked the coaches wife if they ever have problems with the pigs tearing up their yard or hay meadows and she said that they have lived there over 4 years and had never had any problems. Well this Saturday I took him to practice and she said I jinxed them....she took me out back and their whole yard was torn up, luckily they spared the baseball diamond.
They told me to do whatever I needed to do to get rid of them. Well it is only 20 acres so running dogs is out of the question. I put out some corn and had a buddy of mine bring over a trap. Well here was my 30th birthday present the next morning, two boar hogs about 80-100 lbs. They both had pretty bad attitudes but the ole .45 adjusted it. They are at a friends being made into tamales, cant wait for those to get done. (http://i469.photobucket.com/albums/rr57/RPOWERS314/d182aaff.jpg) We sat out there that night and saw a couple of good size pigs but never could get a shot, maybe tonight we will get one. Title: Re: Happy Birthday To Me! Post by: Mike on March 15, 2010, 12:28:42 pm Good deal... Happy Birthday!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday To Me! Post by: HBR on March 15, 2010, 09:51:11 pm Mike you should recognize them . We were talking about them at the expo.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday To Me! Post by: Mike on March 15, 2010, 09:55:09 pm Aw man... y'all don't kill the listed ones! :o
Title: Re: Happy Birthday To Me! Post by: HBR on March 15, 2010, 09:59:17 pm RLP is my cousin and he text me while i was at the deer lease this weekend and told me they got the coaches yard and he was gonna set a trap. This place is right around the corner from where i got that photo. Them lil critters need to stay in the farm land to be safe for a while.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday To Me! Post by: Mike on March 15, 2010, 10:02:24 pm Ha ha... I understand that. ;D