HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: chainrated on March 21, 2010, 05:38:16 pm

Title: Last Few Hunts
Post by: chainrated on March 21, 2010, 05:38:16 pm
Turkey season has us about shut down right now but we have managed to catch a few..





Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: Scott on March 21, 2010, 09:27:41 pm
Good hogs, Matt ;)

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: lonewolf on March 21, 2010, 10:00:59 pm
Good hogs!

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: Wmwendler on March 22, 2010, 06:57:53 pm
Good hogs Matt.....looks like they got allot of domestic in them ;D


Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: Mike on March 22, 2010, 07:14:45 pm
Good hogs Matt!

Is turkey hunting that big over there? I've never thought of being in the woods with turkey hunters over here.

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: Bo on March 22, 2010, 07:50:18 pm
good hogs

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: redneckrambo96 on March 22, 2010, 07:53:25 pm
good hogs

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: bayhorse on March 22, 2010, 08:05:58 pm

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: Jordan on March 22, 2010, 08:35:15 pm
Good hogs!

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: chainrated on March 22, 2010, 09:48:07 pm
Waylon, If I could have my way they would all be spotted like most of them over your way and in your avatar pic..  :D
Mike, you are taking a huge chance turning a dog loose in the daytime around here during turkey season. A dog will get shot quick.  One place we hunt we can't even step foot on until 3 weeks after turkey season goes out and if you got a dog that even looks at a turkey you won't be coming back..

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: cward on March 22, 2010, 10:27:07 pm
Well that ruined it for me!!  ;D I got some super good turkey dogs I mean get down and sure enough hunt a turkey!!!!! Dogs kept one at bay for over an hour the other day!! Just jokeing !! Good pics. Them hogs sure are fat!!! We don;t have many turleys here The BUBBAS can sure put a whipping on them around here if it moves it gets shot!!!!

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: tobyb2007 on March 22, 2010, 10:36:49 pm
dang nice hogs sir

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: chainrated on March 22, 2010, 10:47:16 pm
Actually I had a cur dog a few years back that absolutely loved turkeys. He would tree a turkey all day if he could see it..
Those 2 big fat hogs were 2 of 6 that we caught that day. It was a new place that hadn't been dogged much and none of the hogs ran bad.. I love them places but they are few and far between.

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: Wmwendler on March 24, 2010, 08:28:48 am
Waylon, If I could have my way they would all be spotted like most of them over your way and in your avatar pic..  :D
Mike, you are taking a huge chance turning a dog loose in the daytime around here during turkey season. A dog will get shot quick.  One place we hunt we can't even step foot on until 3 weeks after turkey season goes out and if you got a dog that even looks at a turkey you won't be coming back..

I haven't seen a spotted hog in 6 months I'm starting to think they are going extinct.  But I'm like you I sure do like those listed hamp hogs.  Those are spotted pups in my avatar pic not spotted pigs lol.......but that was 19 years ago.

Skunks and fire ants will take care of those turkeys for you if they become too much of a problem. >:D


Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: catchinpigs on March 24, 2010, 10:18:16 am
They sure are fat and good lookin.

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: BarrNinja on March 24, 2010, 11:02:42 am
Good hogs chainrated!!! Looks like the 1st and last one pictured was eating at the same buffee! lol

Fun fact - On the Eastern seaboard turkey was hunted most often with dogs in the old days. A few still do it today.

Check out the American Wild Turkey Hunting Dog Association. There slogan is " we hunt turkey one bark at a time"! lol

I promise Im not joking!!! Chance you better quit bragging on that turkey dog of yours. Someones going to make you an offer you cant refuse! ha ha!

Title: Re: Last Few Hunts
Post by: chainrated on March 24, 2010, 02:39:42 pm
Those are spotted pups in my avatar pic not spotted pigs lol.......

I didn't mean they were pigs lol, I was just talkin about the spots. From what I can see they were some cute little pups..

As for the turkeys, I have come to hate turkeys, but some people love huntin them including some of my buddies..