Title: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: cward on March 24, 2010, 08:22:42 am The dates of the Ranch Rodeo in Cleveland tx, April 24 2010.
$400 a team!! 4 man team but you can ride with 3!!! Events Steer mugging! Pasture Doctoring!! Wild Cow milking!! >:D Wild hog hauling!! >:D Pay out up to $7000 1st pace team will when 4 buckles!! Top hand will when trophy breast collar Top horse will when trophy breast collar Will be more prize's also!!! Call me to enter a team Chance Ward 281-659-5973 Any questions just call!! We make it easy here and have very easy rules!! 4 loop limit on all cattle events !!! We don't care if you leave your ropes on your saddle!!! Ranch rodeo people know this rule has got them knock out even the best!! Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: aladatrot on March 24, 2010, 05:44:15 pm I'm surprised nobody has put up here that cward's ranch rodeo is an entertainment event even if you aren't going to saddle up and compete. If you can, load up the family and at least go watch, you won't be sorry.
Cheers M Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: BarrNinja on March 24, 2010, 07:16:44 pm I will have a team there! In the bleechers with me!!!
It sounds like too much fun to miss so close to home!!! Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: tobyb2007 on March 24, 2010, 07:26:10 pm I will try to get off work and get a team together, but no promises ;D.
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: country man 563 on March 24, 2010, 07:34:32 pm i was in it the past two years didnt ever win but had a dang good time. drank many buds ;D and hung out with friends
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: catchrcall on March 24, 2010, 08:20:50 pm cleveland in liberty county or coleman county?
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: aladatrot on March 24, 2010, 08:30:10 pm Liberty county
Cheers M Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: catchrcall on March 25, 2010, 01:40:48 pm crap
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: Circle C on March 25, 2010, 01:56:06 pm Lance,
Y'all make a road trip, and Mandi and I will put you and your family up. I am marking this date on my calendar in hopes that I can make it as a spectator.I don't want any part in the cattle that Chance will bring in :o Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: BarrNinja on March 25, 2010, 03:51:04 pm Lance, Y'all make a road trip, and Mandi and I will put you and your family up. I am marking this date on my calendar in hopes that I can make it as a spectator.I don't want any part in the cattle that Chance will bring in :o I'll save a spot for you guys in the bleechers! lol. Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: cward on March 25, 2010, 07:19:42 pm Boarnija Chris called a team in and your name was on it!! Said something about you carrying the hog on your mule!!!!
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: Mike on March 25, 2010, 08:29:58 pm Y'all save me a seat too... and no, i'm not on the team. The ony horse I ride is named "Honda". ;D
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: Rockin-P-Ranch on March 25, 2010, 08:46:10 pm Cward when yall going to have an oldtimers rodeo. I go to a couple of centry ropings a year. Should have somthing for us old men to do. Ill get BoarNinja to help mug.
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: BarrNinja on March 26, 2010, 02:35:17 pm Boarnija Chris called a team in and your name was on it!! Said something about you carrying the hog on your mule!!!! :o Chance, that would be a full day of entertainment all by itself!!! lol. Cward when yall going to have an oldtimers rodeo. I go to a couple of centry ropings a year. Should have somthing for us old men to do. Ill get BoarNinja to help mug. Mr Rockin P, I thought the whole idea was to win these things. I assure you sir that me participation on your team would greatly decrease any chance of victory! lol You cant fool me for one minute with that old cowboy stuff either. From what I have seen the older cowboys outwork the young ones! I appreciate the offer but ya'll are going to have to find someone else to laugh at that weekend. ;D Chance I have passed the word on to friends and they are looking at pulling some teams together also. Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: tobyb2007 on March 27, 2010, 11:21:11 am What time is check in, when does it start and what arena
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: cward on March 28, 2010, 04:42:11 pm What time is check in, when does it start and what arena Call In date will start april 10 t0 18!!! Start time is 6:00 pm at cleveland tx Stancil Park arena!! Arena is covered so rain or shine!!! Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: tobyb2007 on March 29, 2010, 09:55:09 pm thank you sir
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: Circle C on April 14, 2010, 08:26:55 am I've got the date marked down on my calendar. Anyone from ETHD going to have a team?
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: tobyb2007 on April 14, 2010, 10:55:13 am I've got one put together. I'm the only ethd member though
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: Circle C on April 26, 2010, 09:17:47 am Mike's son, Hunter, at his first Mutton Bustin.
(http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0666.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0673.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0675-2.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0680.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0686.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0692.jpg) C Miller's team (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0700.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0703.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0519.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0530.jpg) Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: Mike on April 26, 2010, 09:36:01 am Ha ha... I don't think Hunter wants to ride a sheep again. :o
Good pics Chris. Chance, y'all put on a mighty fine event, we sure enjoyed it. Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: cward on April 26, 2010, 02:50:39 pm Chris good pictures thanks for postsing them!!Could you email me some of the better one's..That 149 braman cow picture it looked like Bert was calling it safe for poor the poor guy under her but I think he mad that call alittle soon.
I will post the winners later!!! C.Miller that is on the board won top horse!!!!As you can see in the pictures he was sure a nice horse!!! Ty Chreene won top hand!! There were some cowboys there that were some top hands!!!But Ty is 15 years old first ranch rodeo and muged that cow from head on and held her buy himself tell the end!!Never hesitated!!!That kid sure earned it and even had alitte strut in his walk after winning it!!LOL Shamless Ranch won the average witch paid the most ..won trophey's and buckles!!! Jody Stone David Cockran Murry Chreene Derak Yates Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: Circle C on April 26, 2010, 03:02:40 pm Quote C.Miller that is on the board won top horse!!!! No kidding... I didn't know that, but I did PM C Miller this morning asking if he would sale that horse! I bet you can guess what his answer was ;D Like I told him, his was one of the best looking horses in the crowd, and it didn't hurt that he was a get it done kind of horse. Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: cward on April 26, 2010, 03:22:24 pm Yes Sir!! ;) Some time its hard to show a really good horse off in a ranch rodeo and there were some nice ones there!!! I know of one guy that had a super nice horse there but he was used as a ground man and did not get to show what his horse was made of.. Craig did get to show his horse and he is the real deal kinda horse!!! In the ranch horse's today its hard to find one who is an athete and big enough to holds his own when needed!!!I would not kick that horse of craigs off my feed bill!!!
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: c.miller on April 27, 2010, 09:21:22 am I appreciate the compliments on the horse. The thing I like about him most is he's anything you want him to be...meaning he's one of the best heel horses ive ever owned, one of the best pick up horses ive ever owned, an open barrel horse, dang nice breakaway horse and pretty nice cow horse. But I will tell you that five years ago he'd do his best to throw you down.
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: bayhorse on April 27, 2010, 12:51:21 pm GOOD PICS
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: mike p on April 27, 2010, 10:25:03 pm i guess you were lucky the other guys rode so poor
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: cward on April 28, 2010, 12:05:38 am i guess you were lucky the other guys rode so poor There were 2 judges that were judgeing the top horse this horse got marked high by both judges!!! The 2 judges are cattlemen that ranch for a liveing and they know what kinda horse it takes to get the job done!!!! There were more horses that got marked high also but did miss some chance's to show there skill!!!The 2 judges had no problem picking this horse so I would not say that it was lucky the other guys rode so poor!! I would say he was a hell of a nice horse and earned what he got with some real good competion to compete with!!!Craig what is the horse's name he will probally be in the paper!! Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: mike p on April 28, 2010, 08:55:16 am I was not trying to talk down on your ranch rodeo or your judges my comment is a inside joke between c miller, myself and a few others. Tom is a super nice horse that i have rode quite a few times.
Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: c.miller on April 28, 2010, 09:38:21 am Quote i guess you were lucky the other guys rode so poor Mike P Don't be mad at us cause you were to lazy to get ur A off the couch to come play. Quote Craig what is the horse's name he will probally be in the paper!! Chance That horse is called Tom. Thanks Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: cward on April 28, 2010, 08:33:46 pm I was not trying to talk down on your ranch rodeo or your judges my comment is a inside joke between c miller, myself and a few others. Tom is a super nice horse that i have rode quite a few times. Understand!! ;) Maybe if you would have rode him instead of Craig he might have marked alot higher!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D Title: Re: Ranch Rodeo!! Post by: pico on April 28, 2010, 09:53:21 pm mike p. your always stirring stuff up! That's funny, I don't care who you are. I wasn't gonna comment on this thread but I couldn't stand it. If c. miller hasn't gotten his bread buttered enough already I will say this...it doesn't matter whether Craig's at a roping, penning cows, or picking up at a rodeo, chances are he's riding the best one there. In fact I ride a horse with a Bar M on his hip.