Title: rotten tail Post by: chopper on March 24, 2010, 10:49:55 am my blackmouth gyp hase some prob with her tail she has a 3/4 tail and it looks like it is rotting i thought maby she got bit by something i have her on antibiotics and she is acting better just wondering if anyone else exp. this it looks like there is a hole in it like a coon
Title: Re: rotten tail Post by: lanea9 on March 27, 2010, 11:15:52 pm we had a dog get his tail cut by a hog and it started to rott we took him to the vet and his tail fell off on its own before they could cut it off they just sprayed granulex on his tail and he recovered fine. Three times a day for three days it will help the new flesh grow back. Now he is just a bob tail. ;D
Title: Re: rotten tail Post by: chopper on April 04, 2010, 09:08:20 am i kept her on antibiotics for a week and seen no improvements so i tryed pen. mixed with betadine topically squirted on and in a couple days it looked alot better i think she was bit by a spider got idea from rotten leg post thanks